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    • GL mate let's see 😉
    • Good luck bre 🥳
    • Mike's girlfriend walked into my room and asked me "Where is Mike at?" I said "Cat? Since when do you have a cat?" Mike and I were at a party, when I said something that insulted him, so he punched me right in the dimple on my chin, before leaving. My friend walks up and says, "What was that?" to which I reply, "Mike left." My friend, Mike, fell and scraped his knee on my favorite seat, spilling blood all over it. As much as I tried, the blood could not be cleaned. When my girlfriend came home, she pointed at the blood stain and said "What is that!" So I said, "Mike ouch." I was so excited about show and tell for my art class, I brought a friend of mine and a cup of jello. When I walked in the room, the teacher says "Who is that?" So I tell her "Michael and jello." Mike told me something that was so funny, I raised my hands in the air and clapped! Suprisingly, a small turtle materialized with each clap, landing right between Mike's legs. A friend walks up and points at the turtle. "Hey look, what is that!" So I say, "Mike lap." Me and Mike went to a pizza place. Mike ate so much pizza, he threw it all up! "Oh my, that pizza was so good, I can't let it sit there like that." So he re-eats the thrown up pizza. Suddenly, Mike's stomach melds the thrown up re-eaten pizza particles and creates a tiny man who bursts through his stomach! His friend walks up and sees the man, and says "What happened?" So I say "Mike re-ate it" Mike was jealous of my beard, so I decided to clip off some of mine and give it to him. He glued them on in the form of a mustache and a soul patch. His girlfriend pointed at his lips and said "What be thems?" So I said "Mike lips." A while back, I burned down a whole building, just for fun! It was such a catastrophe, A bunch of people died, and the mayor thought it was such an asshole move that he gave me a trophy of a butt that said "hey way to go, you fucking asshole." I put it on my table. Then my friend Mike came over. He walked in the door. "Mike at door," I said. He walked over to the chair. "Mike at chair," I said. Then he sat down, right at the table! So I said "Mike at ass trophy" I told my friend Mike one time, that if I turned into a chicken, I would give him a thousand dollars! I knew Mike needed a thousand dollars for his dying mom in the hospital, so I thought it would be a funny joke. Lucky for Mike, I did turn into a chicken, that instant! I was so surprised, I began clucking at the top of my lungs. His girlfriend ran in and said "What's going on!" So I said "Mike luck." The other day, I thought it would be funny to tape a crayon on to Mike's shoes so I could see everywhere he went. I knew he wouldn't want me to do it, so I snuck up behind him and slapped the crayon right on his shoe! He was so surprised that he ran away really fast. Later, a buddy saw the crayon mark on the ground, leading out the door, and asked about it, so I told him "Mike ran." (blah blah blah ) punchline -> Mike Hunt. I was looking at how much debt my credit card had accumulated online, when my wife walked in the room. Thinking quickly, I opened a new tab with this very page on it. She saw how I'd nervously changed the page, so she said "What are you looking at?" So I said "Mike reddit."
    • great guy imagine not accepting him LOL
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