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    • I dont know what you mean when you say i have seen everything when im never in Hunter or Hunter cw rooms.
    • Over the past few years, I have noticed that these two players have had a competitive rivalry in Hunter mode. However, I have never seen either of them win an MVP in official CW DM. Instead of arguing and insulting each other, it would be better for them to focus on work or study   @vinnyy @Cykz @Dubbie  
    • I only replied one insult, that was not even towards UKF, but in general, " i hope all of u die, who insult people like this" this means, if u dare to insult people as " pedophiles " etc, just die, but its in general, not to any specific person, and here is what ukf wrote me the minute i joined hunter room, u can check server logs, they will be the same as u say " no editing "    [2024-07-26 21:47:50] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: cryer for admin to mute me xDDDDDDDDDD [2024-07-26 21:48:32] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: imagine play vs this clown [2024-07-26 21:48:49] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: piece of shit. [2024-07-26 21:50:28] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: pedo talking [2024-07-26 21:51:52] [Output] : Oxyline'~'xZ: I do joke arround with u ukf [2024-07-26 21:51:53] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: oxy ik from you [2024-07-26 21:51:54] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: but @qlimax [2024-07-26 21:51:55] [Output] : [GLOBAL] Smurf_Mtae!: nh [2024-07-26 21:51:59] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: i hate max lvl. [2024-07-26 21:53:31] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: i dont respect pedophiles players... [2024-07-26 22:01:01] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: -1 pedo [2024-07-26 22:01:33] [Output] : QLIM/\X': ukf, why u calling me pedo? [2024-07-26 22:01:38] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: because you are. [2024-07-26 22:08:11] [Output] : [CW-HUNTER-B] ~>UkF.xz has killed QLIM/\X' [2024-07-26 22:08:21] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: -1 pedo [2024-07-26 22:14:22] [Output] : [CW-HUNTER-B] ~>UkF.xz has killed QLIM/\X' [2024-07-26 22:14:27] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: -1 pedo clown   there's more and more to add, it's just funny how u ask me for proofs when u saw it all live in the server. i could add and add.  
    • Proofs? Can you show me the full chatlog file of exactly what you wrote to each other ( without editing )? Cuz if i remember correctly, you both insulted each other.
    • Your nickname: CyreX Players's nickname: UkF Reason: Insulting Description: I'm reporting ukf for insults used on the arena chat and global chat, while several admins we're on the server and saw the global chat messages, ukf and his couple of friends were calling me " pedophile " and other insults, how they gonna rape my son, i don't understand why he was not banned at this point, instead of this, Gyu gave him an ME 1 hour mute, i been muted for being insulted, i'm tired of him isnulting and never being punished, calling some1 " pedophile " is a serious violation and the word has a strong meaning, if this would been on the street, i would break his both arms for this insults, but it's TFF server all i can do is report him, so i hope he will be punished for it, u can check the logs and see it yourself when it all started etc. Thanks. Screenshots: N/A
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