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  3. I dont know what you mean when you say i have seen everything when im never in Hunter or Hunter cw rooms.
  4. Over the past few years, I have noticed that these two players have had a competitive rivalry in Hunter mode. However, I have never seen either of them win an MVP in official CW DM. Instead of arguing and insulting each other, it would be better for them to focus on work or study @vinnyy @Cykz @Dubbie
  5. I only replied one insult, that was not even towards UKF, but in general, " i hope all of u die, who insult people like this" this means, if u dare to insult people as " pedophiles " etc, just die, but its in general, not to any specific person, and here is what ukf wrote me the minute i joined hunter room, u can check server logs, they will be the same as u say " no editing " [2024-07-26 21:47:50] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: cryer for admin to mute me xDDDDDDDDDD [2024-07-26 21:48:32] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: imagine play vs this clown [2024-07-26 21:48:49] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: piece of shit. [2024-07-26 21:50:28] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: pedo talking [2024-07-26 21:51:52] [Output] : Oxyline'~'xZ: I do joke arround with u ukf [2024-07-26 21:51:53] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: oxy ik from you [2024-07-26 21:51:54] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: but @qlimax [2024-07-26 21:51:55] [Output] : [GLOBAL] Smurf_Mtae!: nh [2024-07-26 21:51:59] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: i hate max lvl. [2024-07-26 21:53:31] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: i dont respect pedophiles players... [2024-07-26 22:01:01] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: -1 pedo [2024-07-26 22:01:33] [Output] : QLIM/\X': ukf, why u calling me pedo? [2024-07-26 22:01:38] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: because you are. [2024-07-26 22:08:11] [Output] : [CW-HUNTER-B] ~>UkF.xz has killed QLIM/\X' [2024-07-26 22:08:21] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: -1 pedo [2024-07-26 22:14:22] [Output] : [CW-HUNTER-B] ~>UkF.xz has killed QLIM/\X' [2024-07-26 22:14:27] [Output] : ~>UkF.xz: -1 pedo clown there's more and more to add, it's just funny how u ask me for proofs when u saw it all live in the server. i could add and add.
  6. Proofs? Can you show me the full chatlog file of exactly what you wrote to each other ( without editing )? Cuz if i remember correctly, you both insulted each other.
  7. Your nickname: CyreX Players's nickname: UkF Reason: Insulting Description: I'm reporting ukf for insults used on the arena chat and global chat, while several admins we're on the server and saw the global chat messages, ukf and his couple of friends were calling me " pedophile " and other insults, how they gonna rape my son, i don't understand why he was not banned at this point, instead of this, Gyu gave him an ME 1 hour mute, i been muted for being insulted, i'm tired of him isnulting and never being punished, calling some1 " pedophile " is a serious violation and the word has a strong meaning, if this would been on the street, i would break his both arms for this insults, but it's TFF server all i can do is report him, so i hope he will be punished for it, u can check the logs and see it yourself when it all started etc. Thanks. Screenshots: N/A
  8. You have my vote already
  9. POWERDD gamemode Team type 21 rounds /TfF\_Gyu_ mvp # Map Points Alive players 1. chris1384 - Neon Circuit POWERDD event - Red 0 - 1 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF\_Gyu_ 2. KarNikkl - Just Can't Smash POWERDD event - Red 1 - 1 POWERDD event - Blue ozy, /TfF/CAT 3. YuRi - BEYBLADOPHRENIA POWERDD event - Red 1 - 2 POWERDD event - Blue GratefulGhost40, -|TfF|-KAZIKO 4. Conqueror - Breaking Bad POWERDD event - Red 2 - 2 POWERDD event - Blue -W1NST0N, ScY|TFF, /TfF/CAT 5. YuRi ft. SchwaN - Your Darkness POWERDD event - Red 2 - 3 POWERDD event - Blue -|RM|-NoName, GratefulGhost40, /TfF\_Gyu_, -|TfF|-KAZIKO, xprbtnd 6. CIFFON ft. Maradox - Spotlight POWERDD event - Red 2 - 4 POWERDD event - Blue Smurf_Mtae!, GratefulGhost40, -|TfF|-KAZIKO 7. cleanmetal ft. Mag ft. Shijian - Destructions POWERDD event - Red 2 - 5 POWERDD event - Blue Smurf_Mtae!, /TfF\_Gyu_ 8. stan - Industrial Rush POWERDD event - Red 2 - 6 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF\_Gyu_ 9. ZUNII - Speedy Towers POWERDD event - Red 2 - 7 POWERDD event - Blue GratefulGhost40 10. XpR - Dildosis POWERDD event - Red 3 - 7 POWERDD event - Blue ozy, Lx//Bunta, /TfF/CAT, Azooz.k, FakeR 11. Nebla - Oil Rigs POWERDD event - Red 4 - 7 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT 12. UppeR ft. Rexon - Tilted Towers POWERDD event - Red 4 - 8 POWERDD event - Blue ZUNII 13. Creed ft. Conqueror - Random CC POWERDD event - Red 4 - 9 POWERDD event - Blue Smurf_Mtae!, GratefulGhost40, ZUNII 14. BriaN - Never Lucky POWERDD event - Red 4 - 10 POWERDD event - Blue -|RM|-NoName, Smurf_Mtae!, -|TfF|-KAZIKO, xprbtnd, Helter 15. RacerX ft . Kun - Rocket Launcher POWERDD event - Red 4 - 11 POWERDD event - Blue -|RM|-NoName, /TfF\_Gyu_ 16. SemiSun ft. Cookie - TETRIS! POWERDD event - Red 4 - 12 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF\_Gyu_ 17. NikotiN - Wave of Change POWERDD event - Red 4 - 13 POWERDD event - Blue -|RM|-NoName, -|TfF|-KAZIKO, xprbtnd 18. XpR -| Dragon Ball |- POWERDD event - Red 4 - 14 POWERDD event - Blue -|RM|-NoName, Smurf_Mtae!, GratefulGhost40, /TfF\_Gyu_, Helter 19. XpR - Necrosis POWERDD event - Red 4 - 15 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF\_Gyu_ 20. XpR - No JuJu POWERDD event - Red 4 - 16 POWERDD event - Blue -|RM|-NoName 21. threeV - Gimme The Loot POWERDD event - Red 5 - 16 POWERDD event - Blue ozy #PlayerPoints 1./TfF\_Gyu_29 2.ozy18 3.xprbtnd18 4./TfF/CAT13 5.-|TfF|-KAZIKO13 6.roan|N12 7.Helter11 8.Azooz.k11 9.-|RM|-NoName11 10.GratefulGhost409 11.-W1NST0N7 12.ZUNII6 13.Smurf_Mtae!6 14.ScY|TFF5 15.Lx//Bunta5 16.FakeR4 17.Prox#2 18.Misikeeeee1 19.candy.1 20.Rukavv1
  10. WFF gamemode FFA type 10 rounds /TfF\'Condom# mvp # Map Players 1. YuRi - Architects nxz (3)/TfF\'Condom# (2)-_carmy_- (1)leonskc (1) 2. Nebla ft. DiatroN - Royalty nxz (6)ZUNII (2)-_carmy_- (2)ozy (1) 3. RaZoR v13 - Bonanza brian (3)/TfF\'Condom# (4)-_carmy_- (3)ScY|TFF (1) 4. NitroN ft. FakeDeath - Phenomenal /TfF\'Condom# (7)brian (5)-_carmy_- (4)HeNNry! (1) 5. Sk2 v4 - Parachute brian (8)sergo (2)INTLauz (1)^DirefulCrab'xz (1) 6. iRaven v3 - Memories Never Fade /TfF\'Condom# (10)ScY|TFF (3)Dirss (1)brian (9) 7. UnDeR ft. #beatZ! - Mindblow HeNNry! (4)/TfF\'Condom# (12)ScY|TFF (4)candy. (1) 8. Gus v7 - Needed Skill nxz (9)/TfF\'Condom# (14)ScY|TFF (5)brian (10) 9. Andro v9 - Revived brian (13)nxz (11)/TfF\'Condom# (15)Dirss (2) 10. C3z!ka v10 - Deadly Race xprbtnd (3)HeNNry! (6)brian (14)xS|#SHI! (1) #PlayerPoints 1./TfF\'Condom#15 2.brian14 3.nxz11 4.HeNNry!6 5.ScY|TFF5 6.-_carmy_-4 7.xprbtnd3 8.sergo2 9.ZUNII2 10.Dirss2 11.leonskc1 12.ozy1 13.^DirefulCrab'xz1 14.INTLauz1 15.candy.1 16.xS|#SHI!1
  11. He is the future tff discord bot.
  12. 1. Tell us about yourself(Personality, Where you're from?, How old are you?): My name is Mohammed, and I am from Saudi Arabia, I am 23 years old. I work as electrical maintainer at an oil company, I am a reasonable and a calm person and I like gaming and programming, science, anime, series etc. 2. Tell us about your MTA history briefly: I was playing MTA since 2011, around that time I was playing some RP servers and DM too. I played at CIT, Neon, FFS GAMING, and more servers. 3. Tell us about your previous clans and reason for departure. L7 for being unactive 4. Why do you want to join "The Favoured Few"? I want to be a developer. 5. How can you be useful for "The Favoured Few"? Well I am an expert programmer capable of programming for mta and also web applications, desktop applictions, discord bots with lua, php, javascript. exmaples: I made a small basic garage still not fully completed made in html. https://youtu.be/YGYMz3BuklM?si=fteg3Q7ZTBZCtPty some minigames scripts i made: fall guys https://youtu.be/_bmWs0q_PDA?si=EC1eUe-A49s2WYDj flying bomb or something https://youtu.be/48gT2YuVgUg color dashing https://youtu.be/5C9EEox0oHU lava mode https://youtu.be/BSfmYyJ70uU?si=cuOtKdrkNyPt1cmW I made a website project few years ago you can see a view the the website and the desktop app https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UykJ4wLehBM Steam integration using php web scraping of IGN news: discord bot serching a dm map. 6. Why should we choose You over other applicants? I like to be part of the community and power the scripting of the server, website etc. 7. Something to add.(Discord, Optional) discord: proxy99
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uH8B8_bjoM Special thanks to Relax and Slimy for this beautiful video
  14. DRAFT gamemode Team type 10 rounds danyaskc mvp # Map Points Players 1. FachX ft. MarckkZ ft. T3xt - Zidra Skillz 2 HDM event - Red 1 - 7 HDM event - Blue danyaskc (5)ScY|TFF (2)Lixuz}~ (1) 2. Goku v3 - Amaterasu HDM event - Red 2 - 9 HDM event - Blue ScY|TFF (1)Lixuz}~ (1)danyaskc (1) 3. BriaN v13 - We Love Skills 2 HDM event - Red 4 - 11 HDM event - Blue ScY|TFF (1)XpR//^PacT_-} (1)shakiraf1 (1)Lixuz}~ (1) 4. Illu v3 - Heroes HDM event - Red 7 - 17 HDM event - Blue ScY|TFF (3)shakiraf1 (3)danyaskc (2)XpR//^PacT_-} (1) 5. Snake v9 - Detrimental Depth HDM event - Red 15 - 29 HDM event - Blue ScY|TFF (6)shakiraf1 (6)danyaskc (5)Lixuz}~ (1) 6. NikotiN v16 - AfterShock HDM event - Red 28 - 41 HDM event - Blue tffkappa27 (10)cleanxz (4)danyaskc (4)ScY|TFF (3) 7. Arrow ft. LeX ft. Snafi ft. T3xt - Chains of Ability HDM event - Red 38 - 56 HDM event - Blue cleanxz (8)shakiraf1 (7)XpR//^PacT_-} (4)danyaskc (2) 8. Lost - Higher Ground HDM event - Red 42 - 66 HDM event - Blue XpR//^PacT_-} (3)cleanxz (3)danyaskc (2)Lixuz}~ (1) 9. AlmanoV - Invalid Weather ID HDM event - Red 43 - 70 HDM event - Blue cleanxz (3)tffkappa27 (1)danyaskc (1) 10. ShockWave v8 - Unholy Realms HDM event - Red 51 - 78 HDM event - Blue shakiraf1 (4)ScY|TFF (3)XpR//^PacT_-} (2)cleanxz (1) #PlayerPoints 1.danyaskc23 2.shakiraf123 3.ScY|TFF21 4.cleanxz19 5.tffkappa2714 6.XpR//^PacT_-}13 7.Lixuz}~8 8.moamen5 9.|-XpR-|^Esp4wN2 10.xprluminaire1
  15. DRAFT gamemode Team type 10 rounds Siisti mvp # Map Points Players 1. Hooligan - Reason DM event - Red 24 - 34 DM event - Blue /Tff/AquiL (7)M4rckzZ# (7)candy. (7)LoFaK (6) 2. ZinC v5 - High Capacity 2 DM event - Red 34 - 39 DM event - Blue -Fabllz (5)/Tff/AquiL (2)LoFaK (1)SinteroX (1) 3. FakeDeath v9 - Blackout 2 DM event - Red 72 - 79 DM event - Blue Siisti (10)sergo (7)danyaskc (5)Oxyline'~'xZ (5) 4. DC v10 - Fuck You All 1 DM event - Red 115 - 144 DM event - Blue danyaskc (10)Smurf_Mtae! (10)FluffySky71 (10)Siisti (10) 5. Andro V11 - Nightdale DM event - Red 136 - 159 DM event - Blue gregorey (9)saw (3)M4rckzZ# (3)candy. (2) 6. Packy v11 - Dangerous DM event - Red 158 - 168 DM event - Blue R!KUR!TO (5)gregorey (5)FluffySky71 (5)Smurf_Mtae! (5) 7. ZinTro ft. Rockz ft. ZeeT - Linked Souls DM event - Red 175 - 201 DM event - Blue saw (7)candy. (7)Siisti (7)ARmada
  16. Team Name: X-Valiants Team Tag & Color: X & #ccccff Captain Discord: jamor. Team Players & MTA Serial: BOSS - Jamor -
  17. as u see, this monkey has none
  18. ¿ XD ? Have dignity my bruh, you were banned from the server, and now you want to join the clan
  19. soon next clan report when declined or closed
  20. Team name: Optimal Aces! Team tag & color: Ace! #123456 Caption discord: Eleven#3478 Team players: Eleven - Astral -
  21. 1. My in-game nick is eCco. I'm pretty active human as is possible and I try in my 24 years old. My country is Ukraine. ____ 2. I played a lot of gamemodes in MTA, had experience on many projects in my game career. I just love and enjoy this game like you. ___ 3. Phenomenal Ones Small Hustlers Crew Also I'm ex-member of xRz(OS), Team Evolution(OS), nabTeam(OS) ___ 4. Why i want join to TfF? This is my main project for spent time in MTA. ___ 5. I do my best what I can for improve project and team, and you:) *Server/Community managment, Mapping, Youtube, Organizating Events, CW's etc. ___ 6. I'm trying be useful for community and this game, for make this project smth large then just server) ___ 7. If you wanna some more info about me pm me in discord: ltilti, also you welcome type here - ready for discuss Have a good day, human.
  22. Last week
  23. POWERDD gamemode Team type 21 rounds /TfF/CAT mvp # Map Points Alive players 1. CIFFON - Los Pepes 1 POWERDD event - Red 0 - 1 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, ichi, /TfF\_Gyu_ 2. YuRi ft. SchwaN - Your Darkness POWERDD event - Red 0 - 2 POWERDD event - Blue ichi, /TfF\_Gyu_, *PhantoM, XpR#MillieWalky 3. XpR - Necrosis POWERDD event - Red 0 - 3 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, ichi 4. ZUNII ft. Torque ft. Junky - RE/ NEO TOKYO POWERDD event - Red 0 - 4 POWERDD event - Blue ichi, *PhantoM, XpR#MillieWalky, danyaskc 5. Conqueror - Breaking Bad POWERDD event - Red 0 - 5 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, XpR#MillieWalky, danyaskc 6. Torque - Follow me to Hell POWERDD event - Red 0 - 6 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, ichi, danyaskc 7. NikotiN - Wave of Change POWERDD event - Red 1 - 6 POWERDD event - Blue Smurf_Mtae!, /TfF\_Gyu_ 8. JUMBO THE REGULATOR REMAINS READY POWERDD event - Red 1 - 7 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, Lx//Bunta, *PhantoM, danyaskc, |GV|BladeKnight 9. UppeR ft. Rexon - Tilted Towers POWERDD event - Red 1 - 8 POWERDD event - Blue ichi, danyaskc, |GV|BladeKnight 10. NikotiN ft. ZUNII ft. Torque ft. Bagio - Banned From Heaven 1 POWERDD event - Red 1 - 9 POWERDD event - Blue ichi, *PhantoM, |GV|BladeKnight 11. ZUNII - Speedy Towers POWERDD event - Red 1 - 10 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, ichi, *PhantoM, XpR#MillieWalky 12. CIFFON - Los Pepes 2 POWERDD event - Red 1 - 11 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, Lx//Bunta, ichi, danyaskc 13. CIFFON ft. Maradox - Spotlight POWERDD event - Red 1 - 12 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT 14. Martin ft. Holzhocker - Random Luck POWERDD event - Red 1 - 13 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, Lx//Bunta, *PhantoM, XpR#MillieWalky, |GV|BladeKnight 15. stan - Burning Trials 1 POWERDD event - Red 1 - 14 POWERDD event - Blue *PhantoM, danyaskc 16. threeV - Gimme The Loot POWERDD event - Red 2 - 14 POWERDD event - Blue tlfbuzz(17.4cm) 17. chris1384 - Neon Circuit POWERDD event - Red 2 - 15 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, ichi 18. Salih - Falling Rocks POWERDD event - Red 2 - 16 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, Lx//Bunta, ichi, /TfF\BABYMONSTER#, *PhantoM, danyaskc, |GV|BladeKnight 19. _Gyu_ - Not Towers POWERDD event - Red 3 - 16 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF\_Gyu_ 20. Creed ft. Conqueror - Random CC POWERDD event - Red 3 - 17 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, ichi, /TfF\BABYMONSTER#, XpR#MillieWalky, danyaskc, |4K|BladeKnight 21. SemiSun ft. NAiiF ft. Rakuzan ft. KarNikkl - Bikini Bottom! POWERDD event - Red 3 - 18 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, Lx//Bunta, ichi, /TfF\BABYMONSTER#, XpR#MillieWalky, danyaskc, |4K|BladeKnight #PlayerPoints 1./TfF/CAT26 2.ichi23 3./TfF\_Gyu_18 4.*PhantoM16 5.XpR#MillieWalky15 6.danyaskc15 7.Lx//Bunta10 8.|4K|BladeKnight9 9.tlfbuzz(17.4cm)8 10./TfF\BABYMONSTER#7 11.Smurf_Mtae!7 12.Lo_KInG&6 13.TfF://MegaDreams5 14.ItaN-5 15.Azooz.k4 16.SawOne*2 17.KingX1
  24. POWERDD gamemode Team type 21 rounds Azooz.k mvp # Map Points Alive players 1. Torque - Loca POWERDD event - Red 0 - 1 POWERDD event - Blue !MAYBE^^, /TfF\DraGuN~, danyaskc 2. NO1SE! ft. threeV - Quarantine POWERDD event - Red 0 - 2 POWERDD event - Blue Lomius^^, /TfF\SkreePy!, Lx//Bunta 3. Ron1 ft. FlinT ft. Beny - Mother Russian Luck POWERDD event - Red 0 - 3 POWERDD event - Blue Lomius^^, Lx//Bunta, Azooz.k, /TfF\DraGuN~, danyaskc 4. BriaN - NEIN Towers POWERDD event - Red 1 - 3 POWERDD event - Blue TfF://MegaDreams, MADhitsu, ichi 5. ZUNII ft. Torque ft. Junky - RE/ NEO TOKYO POWERDD event - Red 1 - 4 POWERDD event - Blue !MAYBE^^, gabcho.tff, Azooz.k, danyaskc 6. YuRi - BEYBLADOPHRENIA POWERDD event - Red 2 - 4 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT 7. XpR -| Dragon Ball |- POWERDD event - Red 2 - 5 POWERDD event - Blue Azooz.k, danyaskc 8. Nebla - Oil Rigs POWERDD event - Red 3 - 5 POWERDD event - Blue ichi, ItaN- 9. UppeR ft. Rexon - Tilted Towers POWERDD event - Red 3 - 6 POWERDD event - Blue !MAYBE^^ 10. _Gyu_ - Bober Kurwa POWERDD event - Red 4 - 6 POWERDD event - Blue SawOne* 11. Creed ft. Conqueror - Random CC POWERDD event - Red 4 - 7 POWERDD event - Blue Lx//Bunta, Azooz.k, |4K|BladeKnight 12. stan - Industrial Rush POWERDD event - Red 4 - 8 POWERDD event - Blue Helter 13. Torque - Follow me to Hell POWERDD event - Red 4 - 9 POWERDD event - Blue Lx//Bunta, Azooz.k, /TfF\BABYMONSTER#, |4K|BladeKnight 14. CIFFON - Los Pepes 2 POWERDD event - Red 5 - 9 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF/CAT, ichi, Smurf_Mtae! 15. chris1384 - Ruthless DD POWERDD event - Red 6 - 9 POWERDD event - Blue ichi 16. BriaN - Never Lucky POWERDD event - Red 7 - 9 POWERDD event - Blue -|RM|-NoName, ichi 17. Junky ft. ZUNII - HELL POWERDD event - Red 8 - 9 POWERDD event - Blue TfF://MegaDreams, /TfF/CAT, ItaN- 18. Martin ft. Holzhocker - Random Luck POWERDD event - Red 8 - 10 POWERDD event - Blue Azooz.k 19. NikotiN ft. GameX - Random Fuck! POWERDD event - Red 9 - 10 POWERDD event - Blue -|RM|-NoName, ichi, /TfF\_Gyu_ 20. chris1384 - Neon Circuit POWERDD event - Red 9 - 11 POWERDD event - Blue Azooz.k, KingX 21. CIFFON ft. iMeMPlayZ - Mushrooms told us so POWERDD event - Red 10 - 11 POWERDD event - Blue ichi, /TfF\_Gyu_, ItaN- #PlayerPoints 1.Azooz.k29 2.|4K|BladeKnight22 3.ichi19 4./TfF/CAT14 5.-|RM|-NoName13 6.ItaN-11 7./TfF\_Gyu_11 8.Lx//Bunta9 9.xenunz0r8 10./TfF\BABYMONSTER#8 11.danyaskc8 12.TfF://MegaDreams6 13.gabcho.tff5 14.!MAYBE^^5 15.Smurf_Mtae!5 16.hozwks}4 17.MADhitsu4 18.Helter4 19.KingX3 20./TfF\SkreePy!3 21.SawOne*3 22.DixonTV3 23.JapaneseSmurf2 24.Lo_KInG&2 25./TfF\DraGuN~2 26.Lomius^^1 27.*PhantoM1 28.karro1 29./TfF\'Condom#1
  25. POWERDD gamemode Team type 21 rounds /TfF\_Gyu_ mvp # Map Points Alive players 1. _Gyu_ - Not Towers POWERDD event - Red 1 - 0 POWERDD event - Blue |4K|BladeKnight, ichi, FEKONF1, /TfF\'Condom# 2. XpR - Dildosis POWERDD event - Red 1 - 1 POWERDD event - Blue DixonTV 3. CIFFON - Los Pepes 2 POWERDD event - Red 1 - 2 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF\_Gyu_, *PhantoM 4. Torque - Loca POWERDD event - Red 2 - 2 POWERDD event - Blue |4K|BladeKnight, fhame.xen, FEKONF1, Smurf_Mtae!, JapaneseSmurf, /TfF\'Condom#, ~tff.Jky, -|RM|-NoName, Azooz.k 5. NikotiN - Wave of Change POWERDD event - Red 2 - 3 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF\_Gyu_ 6. Torque - Follow me to Hell POWERDD event - Red 3 - 3 POWERDD event - Blue |4K|BladeKnight, fhame.xen, /TfF\'Condom#, ~tff.Jky, Lomius^^ 7. Torque ft. ZUNII - Banned From Heaven 2 POWERDD event - Red 3 - 4 POWERDD event - Blue !noyy^-^, -W1NST0N 8. _Gyu_ - Bober Kurwa POWERDD event - Red 3 - 5 POWERDD event - Blue brandyxen, !MAYBE^^, -W1NST0N, *PhantoM, n|PDDubbie 9. JUMBO THE REGULATOR REMAINS READY POWERDD event - Red 3 - 6 POWERDD event - Blue -W1NST0N, Mxyz#, ozy 10. Junky ft. ZUNII - HELL POWERDD event - Red 4 - 6 POWERDD event - Blue ichi, Paroos', Lx//Bunta, /TfF\^Nao? 11. stan - Burning Trials 1 POWERDD event - Red 4 - 7 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF\_Gyu_, brandyxen, !MAYBE^^, Mxyz#, n|PDDubbie, TfF://MegaDreams, ozy, FakeR 12. NO1SE! ft. threeV - Quarantine POWERDD event - Red 5 - 7 POWERDD event - Blue ichi, FEKONF1, Smurf_Mtae!, brian, ~tff.Jky, Azooz.k 13. stan - Industrial Rush POWERDD event - Red 6 - 7 POWERDD event - Blue fhame.xen 14. XpR - Necrosis POWERDD event - Red 7 - 7 POWERDD event - Blue Paroos', Lx//Bunta 15. CIFFON ft. Maradox - Spotlight POWERDD event - Red 7 - 8 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF\_Gyu_, -W1NST0N, TfF://MegaDreams, FakeR, Helter, Lo_KInG& 16. CIFFON - Los Pepes 1 POWERDD event - Red 8 - 8 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF\'Condom#, /TfF/CAT, Azooz.k, -|RM|-NoName 17. Ron1 ft. FlinT ft. Beny - Mother Russian Luck POWERDD event - Red 9 - 8 POWERDD event - Blue brian, /TfF/CAT, MADhitsu, Lx//Bunta 18. BriaN - Never Lucky POWERDD event - Red 10 - 8 POWERDD event - Blue |4K|BladeKnight, fhame.xen, /TfF\'Condom#, brian, Lomius^^ 19. BriaN - NEIN Towers POWERDD event - Red 10 - 9 POWERDD event - Blue /TfF\BABYMONSTER#, ozy, ItaN- 20. _Gyu_ - Beheaded Kamikaze POWERDD event - Red 11 - 9 POWERDD event - Blue MADhitsu, gabcho.tff, Lx//Bunta 21. YuRi - BEYBLADOPHRENIA POWERDD event - Red 11 - 10 POWERDD event - Blue ozy, ItaN- #PlayerPoints 1./TfF\_Gyu_21 2.Lomius^^18 3.ozy16 4.FEKONF116 5.TfF://MegaDreams15 6.fhame.xen15 7.-W1NST0N15 8.|4K|BladeKnight15 9.~tff.Jky13 10.*PhantoM12 11.Paroos'12 12.Lx//Bunta12 13.brandyxen12 14./TfF\'Condom#12 15.Azooz.k11 16.FakeR11 17.ichi8 18./TfF\BABYMONSTER#8 19.brian8 20.MADhitsu8 21.Helter7 22.-|RM|-NoName6 23./TfF\^Nao?6 24./TfF\SkreePy!6 25.n|PDDubbie6 26.gabcho.tff5 27.Smurf_Mtae!5 28.JapaneseSmurf5 29./TfF/CAT5 30.Mxyz#4 31.Lo_KInG&4 32.DixonTV3 33.!noyy^-^3 34.ItaN-3 35.!MAYBE^^3 36.-DE-Milaneso^2 37.SawOne*2 38.Lixuz}~2 39.ScY|TFF2 40.KingX1 41.eCco1 42.KenZo1 43./TfF\DraGuN~1 44.SymoN1
  26. Login streak didn't changed you earn less if you have a certain amount of cash (since always)
  27. So yeah, as you can see in the title, lastly the new update which making the daily login streak in our server is lessly paying then what It used to pay us. Like for example we login for the fourth or fifth day and we still getting 10k as a payment for the login streak, however it is way cheaper and less than what it used to be before. For example back then we used to get 25k over the fifth day of login streak, now fifth day giving me just 10K. Are you kidding uh? Also the prices of objects and items are way expensive that what IT USED TO BEFRORE.. The old system and shop was cheap and yet, the login streak and payment was equal and way balanced. Now I feel it's messy as hell. So I hope u can give it a one last shot, As I am posting this on behalf of all the players that Want the old system to get back. I didn't mean to change anything. Just like berining the old payment for each login streak as it was before. That's it. THANKS .
  28. DRAFT gamemode FFA type 10 rounds ~lambox.8} mvp # Map Players 1. Nice v8 - Blood Field xen}kirill (4)XpR#zjk (1)danyaskc (1) 2. CHRS - Burning Skills 2 danyaskc (7)XpR#zjk (7)xen}kirill (7)~lambox.8} (6) 3. Benjaz ft. pawNY - Concreteness ~lambox.8} (9)xen}kirill (5)danyaskc (5)Paroos' (2) 4. Flash ft. sYKu ft. Cookie - Hard Fury 2 ~lambox.8} (6)xen}kirill (5)danyaskc (3)Paroos' (1) 5. LeX ft. NikotiN - Road of Destiny 1 ~lambox.8} (5)Paroos' (1)danyaskc (1) 6. Kamen v3 - An Improved Shit 1 ~lambox.8} (5)Paroos' (4)|4K|BladeKnight (2)danyaskc (2) 7. ZinC v5 - High Capacity 2 ~lambox.8} (5)danyaskc (4)|4K|BladeKnight (3) 8. Tentimes v5 - Towards TheEnd Of danyaskc (4)~lambox.8} (4)Paroos' (4) 9. UnDeR ft. #beatZ! - Mindblow ~lambox.8} (6)danyaskc (1)Paroos' (1)[Nyan]SKC (1) 10. Pablow ft. BrighT ft. PCHZY - SCHIZOPHRENIA danyaskc (2)~lambox.8} (2) #PlayerPoints 1.~lambox.8}48 2.danyaskc30 3.xen}kirill21 4.Paroos'13 5.XpR#zjk8 6.|4K|BladeKnight5 7.[Nyan]SKC1
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