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  1. Dear fellow community members, I hope you have been doing well since we last met in the framework of an announcement. It’s hard to believe that six months have flown by since we last shared updates and discussed our collective goals. Over this period, our community has continued to grow and evolve in wonderful ways, thanks to your dedication and active participation. As we look to the future, we're thrilled to announce the upcoming release of two exciting new features designed to enrich your experience and add a layer of fun to our community First, let's start with the Garage update, which consists of new features of tuning & garage. We have come up with lots of ideas, which was never seen in MTA:SA before, so I hope you will enjoy using them. In brief, these new features or paint jobs are pearlescents & glow. However this is not the only feature we have decided to roll out. Therefore, let's get down to the business, and elaborate on some major feature updates. Garage Coins: We have introduced a "currency" for garage which is known as garage coins, you can gain them from cases, events & random drops. This will help you to access features which were possible by obtaining a donator status, from now on, you can access some of the garage features without being a donator. Bodyparts: Body parts have been refactored, from now on you have to buy body parts one by one. This includes bumpers, spoilers, side skirts, hoods, roofs, covers, fenders, presets & plates. This helps you save more money, and design your vehicle as you will for a less amount. Spoilers: If you equip a Spoiler, you can choose whether to use colorized spoiler or apply a carbon texture on it. On top of that, DaXX has been making a new Infernus model with lots of body parts. Pearlescent: Pearlescent is a type of paint job that you can apply to your vehicle. It gives you a gradient, glowing and colorful touch to your vehicle. They are applied under the stickers, so the variety of uniqueness for your vehicles has been expanded to a vast extent. However these types of paint jobs are available for everyone, for donators, we have decided to release this feature for free - as long as the donator status persists until it is reset, if you don't own the given pearlescent. Glow: Glow is a type of paint job as well. When this feature is enabled, the overlays & pearlescent are disabled for the vehicle for performance reasons. Basically, glow depends on the angle you are looking at a vehicle, it is visible at the edge of the car. Glow is free to color. Overlays: We have extended overlays a bit. Some overlays might have covered stickers which made you dump the idea of using overlays. Now, this problem is solved! From now on you can decide whether the overlays should be applied under or above the stickers. For example, if you own a pearlescent, and apply it under the stickers, the overlay will be only displayed on the pearlescent (to be exact, on places where stickers don't cover the vehicle body). This gives a really good opportunity to design your vehicle with more effectiveness. Wheels: The functionality of wheel tuning has been expanded as follows: You can now change the angle of inclination of your wheels, known as camber. Moreover, you can change the offset of wheels, meaning that you can move your wheels towards and outwards of the axis. In addition, you now have to opportunity to change the width of the wheels. Must be mentioned, that changing the settings of your wheels, will not affect the control of your vehicle. Wheels have been also converted into custom parts, meaning that you'll need to buy them individually. Rockets Color: As you already know, rockets can be coloured. However, until now you could only color rockets as a whole in hunter. We decided to give it a bit more spice, hence you can color the rockets individually, therefore left and right rocket colors are different if set that way. For shooter rockets, only the left color is applied. The roll-out date is in the next few days, so get ready! Big thanks to @DaXx who made this incredible infernus model, pearlescent, glow..., @CAT for her help with shaders, garage and many more, @SkreePyfor his time developing this garage, @Evo for all the tests, @Kaziko for the video, and all the others for their involvement in the various phases of the project. Minigames: We sure took our time to release minigames, but we have decided to make the best possible outcome and mitigate the number of issues. We have decided to include some new game modes that make some difference from the last announcement that was made at Christmas. In the end, we are releasing minigames with a total of 25 game modes, and this number will increase over time. In this first paragraph, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this release - mappers, testers, and idea innovators. During the development, we have crossed lots of constructive criticism that was taken into consideration - and as of now, I would like to encourage you to do it in the future as well, since your opinion counts! The question is, when? And today we're giving you the answer: if everything goes according to plan, we'll be able to deploy the minigames at the beginning of August. PowerDD tournament: It's been known for quite a while that it is on our agenda for planning a tournament. Since the growing interest in PowerDD, we have decided that this time the tournament is going to be PowerDD. Regarding this, we share every detail that is necessary. For this tournament, we have had more preparation time than usual, therefore we decided that we would like to introduce a new forum page, which is known as the Events Schedule. Here, you can not only see the upcoming matches, but you can now make bets on the teams. If you guess the correct score, you will be rewarded with money in-game. This feature allows the community to put a bigger pressure on the teams which will hopefully result in a bigger attendance & tight games. The Favorite Contest Outcome: Yesterday saw the end of season 3 of our The Favorite Contest event. First of all, thanks to everyone who took part and to the mappers who made it possible. Congratulations to the winners: 1st place: Krazy 2nd place: Geass 3rd place: WalK Rewards are as following: 3 months donator status + $500.000 ingame + 20$ paypal. 2 months donator status + $300,000 ingame + 10$ paypal. 1 month donator status + $150.000 ingame + 5$ paypal. Attached you will find the rankingboard with the scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YwBQRKDFDq44YvcbcihuXurRbwoKs4iaF8lO0jNkSqA/edit#gid=223929592 Contact @Nao for your rewards! Ban appeals: We have decided to forgive! Bans have been lifted for people who were banned for reasons. I hope, we can meet on the server once again, and this time you will live with the chance and cause some great time for the community. Outro: We’re excited about these new features and can’t wait for you to explore them. Your engagement will be key to making these additions a success. Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to our community. It’s your enthusiasm and participation that keeps us moving forward. We’re excited to bring these new features to you and look forward to seeing how they enhance our community interactions. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Together, we’re building something special. Yours sincerely, The Favoured Few
    25 points
  2. ZJK

    Reporting KIRAF1

    Well, I actually didn't even read the chat at that moment (Because I am busy playing like 99% of people) As Kira said, he didn't mean it in the real way, he was wishing you to die (fail) in-game, but it wasn't the best way to say it, so he is warned now and if he does it again he will be muted. PS: If your only reason to be playing here is to catch someone for the slighthest thing he does/say, maybe it's time to touch some grass and quit video-games for a moment, mental health is important!
    10 points
  3. SHOOTER DUO CHAMPIONSHIP Registration Thread Registration rules: Everyone is allowed to participate. Before the tournament starts, we will be requesting the serial of every team's member. A single player can't register for more than one team. Teams must have 2 main players. this is a tournament without reserves. Every team member must have an account on /TfF\ server. No player changes will be allowed after the tournament starts. Bare in mind that teams will not have any reserve throughout the tournament, so be cautious with who you will pick to be your duo. To register your team follow this format: Team Name: Team Tag & Color: Captain Discord: Team Players & MTA Serial: Deadline: The registration deadline is 01.08.2024 Here is an example on how to register your team: Team Name: The Favoured Few Team Tag & Color: /TfF\ - FF9999 Captain Discord: Pedrinyk Team Players & MTA Serial: /TfF\Pedrin - 51348930786C128CFD20AFC0711934A1 /TfF\Energy - 123456789ABCD098754321ABCDTEST12
    8 points
  4. Hey guys I'd like to present you our new map called Linked Souls Thanks to Gorex for recording our map
    8 points
  5. Nothing else to add
    7 points
  6. Hey everyone! TheFavouredFew Events Team is back with another Shooter Tournament! Due to the success we had with our previous tournament, we are bound to bring another shooter tournament to life. This time we are looking forward to provide you a much better experience. After learning with the mistakes we commited on our last tournament, we have enough experience to provide you a way better event this time. Welcome to the First edition of Shooter Duo Championship! Tournament Information: Shooter Duo Championship is a 2v2 based tournament with no possibility of reserves. Tournament Format will be revealed after registrations are closed. The chosen gamemode for this specific edition is Low Jump. All matches are going to be played as a Best of 3 series. You can only register 2 players to your team, there won't be reserves, only the 2 main players! So pick carefully who you will choose to be your pair throughout the tournament. In-case the final score of a game results in a 10-10 tie, we will play 4 Tiebreaker rounds. in-case there is another tie at 12-12, we will keep playing until one team wins 3 out of the 4 tiebreaker maps. The Prize Pool! $25 to the first place 1 Month donator status $400.000 per player in-game. $15 to the second place 20 days donator status $250.000 per player in-game. $10 to the third place 15 days donator status $150.000 per player in-game. Final words And for those who were hoping for a 3vs3 or 4vs4 tournament, don't worry. we have plans of hosting another 3vs3/4vs4 tournament right after this one ends. This tournament is a way to show you that we are still working to keep our community active and competitive. Registration Feel free to join us in the battlefield and register your team on the following thread!
    7 points
  7. 1. Tell us about yourself. My ingame name is LiXuZ, my real name is Fabi I am 24 years old and I'm from germany. I like to go out with my family and friends. I like to think of myself as an active and friendly person who is always willing to help whether it's getting maps or CW's or just helping the players. 2. Tell us about your MTA history briefly. At the end of 2007 I bought GTA:SA and installed the multiplayer modification MTA:SA. After joining MTA the first time I found a pretty nice server called eG| Elite Gaming. I didn't know about the DM gamemode at this time and thought this would be some kind of Deathmatch with weapons and other things. After a short time I already liked the gamemode and gave it a chance. After a while Elite Gaming has been closed, so I must found a new server to play on. I started to play on many different servers to improve my skills and maybe find a new main server to play on. After I gained more experience and becoming more familiar with uprising communities, I found German Blue Race's server at the end of 2011, where I played for some months. The server had bad maps and a bad performance, but I had fun there. I made alot of friends there, one showed me a really nice server called iRace, where I played on for more than 6 months. A good friend of me "CiiNeX" asked me to start a new clan/community called Mistery Race ("mR!") and I accepted because I had improved my race skills so much that I could mess with other players and start my very first clan with them. After several months of playing on the server and beeing a part of the clan, they has begun to accept children, so I had decided to leave this clan. From this I asked myself to start my own clan. At this point I founded my own clan called Xtreme Overpowered Race ("XoR"), which I hold activ for about 3 months. After that I had to close the clan, because of the inactivity. After that I found a server called Kekz Gaming and I had a lot of fun playing there, which gave me reason to write an application, and after a short time they accepted me, but a few months later the server goes inactiv too as my clan. Kekz became inactive, which gave me the reason to leaving this clan too and finding a new one. More than a year has passed away until I finally found a new server that I enjoyed. It was called #MvP! Many of my friends have joined there, so it seemed like a good idea to follow them, but after a month as part of #MvP! I left the clan again because of many problems they were in this clan. I switched to a server called The favoured Few (TfF), which was a quite well-known clan at this time. I played there very activ for more than a year, but then I heard about a comeback..... The comeback of AMG (Awesome Mapping Gaming) and I asked their leader - XxEduxX - if I could be a part of AMG and he had invited me into the clan, but unfortunately I was thrown out of the clan because of an incident with a member. I couldn't be sad for long because MvP had his comeback and I decided to go back to MvP, but I couldn't stay long because of the problems witch where in the clan I had many problems with the members there and then I left this clan. After a few months MasTeR came to me and said: "Do you want to make a clan with me?" I said yes we can. So we started a clan named HsK. Me and MasTeR were on the leader position and after 4 months we made a fusion with the BestFive team, we thought it would be a good decision to go along with the clan, but then one of the founders had only thought of himself and led the clan go down. I was in nTL at the reopening when I was about 2 months in this clan, I went back out of this clan because I had some problems, then I was clanless 1 to 2 months and after the two months then I joined SHC for 2 weeks then SHC was inactive and come back that's why I came back. Then after 1 month I had an Idea open Unlimited Power and then after 2 weeks I left this clan because I had no time for MTA after a long time, I was active again in MTA. I started my next clan calling Universal Warriors for 2 months, we had a big fight in that clan and everything went to hell that the clan closed, I didn't know what to do, because everyone focused on one teammate and everything went out of that clan after the clan turned against me, I had an application for XpR which was accepted after a month. But 6-7 months later I left the clan with a reason that might not have been so well considered. A while later I met RockZ and we had a chat in Teamspeak and we played together for a while. At some point I got the idea to start my own clan and I talked to RockZ and asked him if he wanted to start his own clan as well. He said yes and shortly afterwards Rul3zZ contacted me and asked if he could join the clan. We said yes of course and then we thought about a clan name together. We decided to take Intravenous at the end. When the name was decided we started to build a team, we got LuxorioN and DaXx involved, sadly I already had many problems with LuxorioN in the past. I was afraid that it would not end well with LuxorioN. It got into trouble quite quickly and after about a month and shortly before the forum went online I was kicked out. A month passed and Every wrote to me and asked me if I wanted to return to unlimited powers. I accepted his offer and was promoted to manager of various areas of the clan... Months went by and I heard the rumor that Intravenous was closing, I wrote to RockZ and asked him what those rumors were all about. He wrote to me and said that this was not true, there was a misunderstanding with the developers. I ask RockZ if I can go back and he said yes to me. When I was back in Intravenous I quickly realized why RockZ had brought me back in. He left and wanted the clan to be in good hands. I continued Intravenous for a short time and took BlizarD as the new leader. Rockz had asked me if I would like to make a join request to SHC, I did and I was accepted after 2 years I left because of internal problems. And my last clan Elite Players I left this clan because I didn't feel so comfortable anymore. 3. Tell us about your previous clans and reason for departure. #MvP! Most Valuable Players - Member/Leader - Left |-nTL-| Nothing To Lose - Forum Manager - Left HsK// Hard sTyle Klown - Leader - Closed |-XpR-| Xtreme pro Racer - Member - Left #UP| Unlimited Power - Leader - Closed iV' Intravenous - Founder - Left KekZ Gaming - Member - Left SoR! Squad of Revolution - Member/Leader - Closed s1# Simply First - Founder - Closed SHC// Small Hustlers Crew - Member - Left eP! Elite Players - Trial - Left 4. Why do you want to join "The Favoured Few"? But most of all I want to join TfF because the clan is a family and something like that doesn't exist so often in mta anymore. 5. How can you be useful for "The Favoured Few"? It's not really that easy to answer, there are a few things I can help with. Starting with clanwars or also with the forum. I'm not as good as a other good guy but with some little things I could help you at the forum. 6. Why should we choose You over other applicants? My acutally goals are to support you on the server with my activity and if users need help to be there and help them. 7. Something to add. Thank you for reading. Discord: lixuzx
    6 points
  8. Team Name: Cyborgs! Team Tag & Color: 'o, #261039 Captain Discord: .helter Team Players & MTA Serial: Helter RoBy
    6 points
  9. Hey, today I'm presenting you a new map by BenQ and FataL. The map is super smooth and very enjoyable to play. Song : Maduk - Leave A Light On Enjoy the video! Want me to record your map? add me on discord: .rockz.
    6 points
  10. Prox

    Prox's Join Request

    1. Tell us about yourself(Personality, Where you're from?, How old are you?): My name is Mohammed, and I am from Saudi Arabia, I am 23 years old. I work as electrical maintainer at an oil company, I am a reasonable and a calm person and I like gaming and programming, science, anime, series etc. 2. Tell us about your MTA history briefly: I was playing MTA since 2011, around that time I was playing some RP servers and DM too. I played at CIT, Neon, FFS GAMING, and more servers. 3. Tell us about your previous clans and reason for departure. L7 for being unactive 4. Why do you want to join "The Favoured Few"? I want to be a developer. 5. How can you be useful for "The Favoured Few"? Well I am an expert programmer capable of programming for mta and also web applications, desktop applictions, discord bots with lua, php, javascript. exmaples: I made a small basic garage still not fully completed made in html. https://youtu.be/YGYMz3BuklM?si=fteg3Q7ZTBZCtPty some minigames scripts i made: fall guys https://youtu.be/_bmWs0q_PDA?si=EC1eUe-A49s2WYDj flying bomb or something https://youtu.be/48gT2YuVgUg color dashing https://youtu.be/5C9EEox0oHU lava mode https://youtu.be/BSfmYyJ70uU?si=cuOtKdrkNyPt1cmW I made a website project few years ago you can see a view the the website and the desktop app https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UykJ4wLehBM Steam integration using php web scraping of IGN news: discord bot serching a dm map. 6. Why should we choose You over other applicants? I like to be part of the community and power the scripting of the server, website etc. 7. Something to add.(Discord, Optional) discord: proxy99
    5 points
  11. shaker

    Reporting KIRAF1

    stop living mta, ure an adult fewer reports, less drama ty
    5 points
  12. Locked cuz i dont want to see kids start fighting with each other, and also i dont want to see cretins spamming off topic. If anyone has anything meaningful to add, please ask me or anyone from the staff to unlock the topic.
    5 points
  13. ZJK

    Reportin Lost/xeen

    Hello, thank you for your report. Lost will be muted for 2 days upon connection.
    5 points
  14. Hoi, new mep
    5 points
  15. Akame2

    eCco's Join Request

    1. My in-game nick is eCco. I'm pretty active human as is possible and I try in my 24 years old. My country is Ukraine. ____ 2. I played a lot of gamemodes in MTA, had experience on many projects in my game career. I just love and enjoy this game like you. ___ 3. Phenomenal Ones Small Hustlers Crew Also I'm ex-member of xRz(OS), Team Evolution(OS), nabTeam(OS) ___ 4. Why i want join to TfF? This is my main project for spent time in MTA. ___ 5. I do my best what I can for improve project and team, and you:) *Server/Community managment, Mapping, Youtube, Organizating Events, CW's etc. ___ 6. I'm trying be useful for community and this game, for make this project smth large then just server) ___ 7. If you wanna some more info about me pm me in discord: ltilti, also you welcome type here - ready for discuss Have a good day, human.
    4 points
  16. Team Name: The Twins Team Tag & Color: /tt\ - #ff0000 Captain Discord: BoXeZ#6305 Team Players & MTA Serial: BoXeZ - 383456EE5C82B169BC57A5B5994C3024 JeMMy^ - DE53707A3CE45AA9F012E63F079D514F
    4 points
  17. Can be used without any problems in the map editor as well. If you press the "output lua" button check your local MTASA folder -> mods -> deathmatch -> resource and search for https://github.com/PrimelPrime/Dynamic-Environment-Editor DEE.zip
    4 points
  18. This report is quite similar to the previous ones, with just a bit more context added. Since Daxx has already punished him, this report is not valid. Let me explain. We've been in the same arena for a while, but instead of contacting any of us, you reached out to Daxx for help. I told Daxx what action to take because I moved to another arena. He even rejoined and got banned for talking with nickname while muted for 12 Hours, therefore I dont have any clue why you bring things up like that once again. His punishment won't be increased just because you added more context, we've been there and we saw everything, we took already consequences against him. Don't bring things up like that once again. There is really nothing to say about ZJK. He wasn't protecting anyone; he was simply doing his job. If someone has a problem, they can report it on our forum. I don't know why exactly has ZJK to do with that report, he's been managing our server since years and his actions were always justified. A note for everyone: Private reports will be marked as invalid. This report will be marked as invalid. "5. Something to add: It's not the first time when I'm getting deathwishes from him"
    4 points
  19. Team name: Optimal Aces! Team tag & color: Ace! #123456 Caption discord: Eleven#3478 Team players: Eleven - Astral -
    3 points
  20. You just showed everyone why you got muted and made it easier for me, thanks!
    3 points
  21. Gyu

    Reporting TfF/Gyu

    Just saying im not mixing anyone up with anything. I know very well what your friend say earlier. And it is also clear that you all are the same... Feel free to copy and paste here everything i wrote earlier, it is not related to this report on any level. You can keep crying but the fact remains that if you and your friends want to keep playing here you all should act like normal. For example, if you continue to kill your own teammates in PDD team events, you will also receive a one day ban.
    3 points
  22. prax

    Reportin Lost/xeen

    1. Your Nickname: MBAPPEF1 2. Admin / Player Nickname: Lost/xen 3. Reason: deathwish 4. Screenshot: [2024-07-03 19:56:42] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: did i talk to you or sth? [2024-07-03 19:56:44] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: no [2024-07-03 19:56:45] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: so stfu [2024-07-03 19:56:56] [Output] : [HDM] Starting [HDM] Gabcho - Backward Ascendency [2024-07-03 19:56:58] [Output] : Lost/xen: its insane how many time i join they still talk about it [2024-07-03 19:57:03] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: yeah [2024-07-03 19:57:07] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: so dont join once again [2024-07-03 19:57:10] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: maybe they will stop [2024-07-03 19:57:12] [Output] : Lost/xen: yea cringe [2024-07-03 19:57:17] [Output] : [HDM] xen[zihark has voted for redo! [1/4] [2024-07-03 19:57:17] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: cringe XDD [2024-07-03 19:57:22] [Output] : Lost/xen: look at the mirror for once [2024-07-03 19:57:30] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: look at ur discord dms [2024-07-03 19:57:32] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: this is real cringe [2024-07-03 19:57:33] [Output] : [Rewards] You earned 1 pts and $7 for finishing 5th [2024-07-03 19:57:33] [Output] : [Toptimes] You reached less than 40% of the map (0%), your percentage won't be saved [2024-07-03 19:57:38] [Output] : [HDM] Lost/xen has won as the last player alive [Streak: 1] [2024-07-03 19:57:43] [Output] : Lost/xen: i would never care for you like you do now [2024-07-03 19:57:45] [Output] : [HDM] -//Benjamin has voted for redo! [2/4] [2024-07-03 19:57:46] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: wait [2024-07-03 19:57:48] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: ill answer later [2024-07-03 19:57:49] [Output] : [HDM] Starting [HDM] Malez ft. SKooD - Rave In The Grave [2024-07-03 19:57:51] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: i have wow pull [2024-07-03 19:57:52] [Output] : Lost/xen: you can die [2024-07-03 19:57:58] [Output] : Shael: [2024-07-03 19:58:02] [Output] : /TfF\DaXx: I'm just here to happily ban someone [2024-07-03 19:58:03] [Output] : Sephiroth: reportable. [2024-07-03 19:58:03] [Output] : [GLOBAL] bazooka: YOU RETARD FAT ASS ADMIN [2024-07-03 19:58:07] [Output] : [GLOBAL] baris: sa [2024-07-03 19:58:12] [Output] : [GLOBAL] /TFF\Avi: a.s [2024-07-03 19:58:13] [Output] : Lost/xen: thanks ban him [2024-07-03 19:58:17] [Output] : xen[zihark: death wishes allowed dw [2024-07-03 19:58:29] [Output] : /TfF\DaXx: Who is the one that should be gone? [2024-07-03 19:58:30] [Output] : [AntiAFK] You will be kicked from arena for being AFK! Warning [1/5] [2024-07-03 19:58:30] [Output] : [Toptimes] You reached less than 40% of the map (0%), your percentage won't be saved [2024-07-03 19:58:30] [Output] : [Rewards] You earned 4 pts and $35 for finishing 3rd [2024-07-03 19:58:32] [Output] : [HDM] -//Benjamin has won as the last player alive [Streak: 1] [2024-07-03 19:58:33] [Output] : Sephiroth: me [2024-07-03 19:58:42] [Output] : Shael: @/TFF\Avi [2024-07-03 19:58:44] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: @Shael [2024-07-03 19:58:54] [Output] : [GLOBAL] /TfF\DaXx: idk avi, I'm thinking [2024-07-03 19:58:57] [Output] : -//Benjamin: tf [2024-07-03 19:59:02] [Output] : [Maps] Sephiroth has just bought Rampage ft. ShondeX - Dark Bloom 2 as the next map [2024-07-03 19:59:05] [Output] : [HDM] Starting [HDM] Rampage ft. ShondeX - Dark Bloom 2 [2024-07-03 19:59:12] [Output] : Lost/xen: the one with ID 2 [2024-07-03 19:59:20] [Output] : Shael: [2024-07-03 19:59:23] [Output] : Lost/xen: he can take a break 5. Something to add: Again she involving herself to conversation I have with someone else (not connected with xen), every conversation we have, ends the same way and we both stop writing to each other. but by some miracle all the time she tries to interject herself into the conversation when I am talking to someone else and then it still comes out that I am the one to blame. I have been punished for my words today, but she still hasn't. Lost wishes me death not for first time
    3 points
  23. Avi

    Reporting MBAPPEF1

    This screenshot is kinda useless. He has been punished.
    3 points
  24. That looks really good. Respect for the work of the developers and the effort of the testers for the update. I think the Pearlescent feature is particularly cool. I'm curious to see how it will look ingame. Keep up the good work!
    3 points
  25. Gyu

    Prox's Join Request

    He is the future tff discord bot.
    2 points
  26. Team Name: X-Valiants Team Tag & Color: X & #ccccff Captain Discord: jamor. Team Players & MTA Serial: BOSS - Jamor -
    2 points
  27. Some players have completely changed their attitude since they became admins or TFF members. Unfortunately, they've changed for the worse. I remember how well-behaved Gorex used to be, speaking nicely in chat. As soon as he got admin, he got carried away and started doing whatever he wanted, claiming it was his "contribution to TFF." Other examples include TFFDreamer and NeonoX (fortunately, NeonoX is no longer an admin because he used to mute people for no reason). TFFDreamer has become very arrogant and different from when he wasn't an admin (he used to be a very nice guy who talked politely with everyone). Now, he mutes people for speaking in other languages or for talking nonsense (which is normal on MTA sometimes). The chat is for everyone as long as you don't abuse it and spam like an idiot. Someone bought a map on MTA, and Gorex set a different map and didn't set back the purchased map. I've seen this happen twice already. I "warned" him in a way, but I told him nicely, not insulting him like many others do. When he asked me "tell me which map was bought," I didn't reply because he could have seen it himself if he had used "page up" in the chat and could have set the respective map. I also don't like the attitude of some TFF members, but that's how it is, we have to endure it. It would be nice if this server were perfect. There always has to be someone who is stricter or who makes mistakes, whether they are unforgivable or not. With this message, I don't want to directly report the admins in question; I just want them to see that they've made mistakes and at least change their attitude a bit. I remember that when they weren't admins, they were really nice and understanding with a totally different attitude(good one ofc). Personally, I don't think you deserved to be muted. I wouldn't have muted you for something like that. It depends on the admin's mood at that particular moment.
    2 points
  28. Nao

    Raziax's unban request

    unbanned, next time you advert another server you will remain banned
    2 points
  29. Team Name: Pedrin & LuuKas Team Tag & Color: P&L. Captain Discord: Pedrinyk Team Players & MTA Serial: Pedrin - 51348930786C128CFD20AFC0711934A1 LuuKas - To be added
    2 points
  30. Gyu

    Reporting TfF/Gyu

    The reason you muted for 3 hours is cuz it wasnt the first time you replied to me. " your mom ". Looking back at the not too distant past it is obvious and everyone knows your provocative behaviour. Well, cuz you learn nothing, you get a day mute. After that since you making the same mistake as before of continuing the drama on discord and then using your nickname " gyuTop1WhiteKnight " to message me despite your mute. I can say you are fucking smart again. After all you got a one day ban for that. Btw, why do you call me White Lord? ( Interesting... ) You going to play this every single time after someone mute you?
    2 points
  31. Team Name: Kermit Kaos Klub Captain Discord: meibei1337 Team Players & MTA Serial: Maybe 9BA3D6C75AE61FCA2AE31ED436F06384 ^Gore[X]^ CFF90852AC6C3E22DEAF718953B4DCB4 Team Color & tag: [KKK] - #899f26
    2 points
  32. Team Name: Wand and Sword Captain Discord: xblue Team Players & MTA Serial: xBlue (0DA5ED3B667E27605044008B479FC971) Masterofhell (8F85F19A88502CC79F5C7CFF01C09A54) Team Color & tag: ws - #270070
    2 points
  33. ArrowMTASA

    [DM] V4 v4 - V4

    Hi guys, today I'm going to present to you the Vol4 of V4. Have a good time! 1440p recommended
    2 points
  34. 1. Your Nickname: Lost 2. Admin / Player Nickname: MBAPPEF1 3. Reason: Provoking and trashtalking then making a report without the full context 4. Screenshot: [2024-07-03 20:45:54] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: hi sweetie @Lost/xen [2024-07-03 20:45:58] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: u look good today [2024-07-03 20:51:19] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: downgrade inc @/TFF\Avi [2024-07-03 20:51:19] [Output] : gabchotff: q [2024-07-03 20:51:28] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: Im not you [2024-07-03 20:51:32] [Output] : [HDM] -//Benjamin has voted for redo! [1/4] [2024-07-03 20:51:33] [Output] : [HDM] xen[zihark has voted for redo! [2/4] [2024-07-03 20:51:33] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: lmao [2024-07-03 20:51:33] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: :d [2024-07-03 20:51:34] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: mf [2024-07-03 20:51:35] [Output] : gabchotff: top novv @Sephiroth [2024-07-03 20:51:36] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: hhhhhhhhhh [2024-07-03 20:51:50] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: its only because u were top 1 logs snitch [2024-07-03 20:51:58] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: u were always making reaction to my abuse XD [2024-07-03 20:52:15] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: what logs snitch [2024-07-03 20:52:21] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: - [2024-07-03 20:52:28] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: jk [2024-07-03 20:52:31] [Output] : gabchotff: ty [2024-07-03 20:52:35] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: only one snitch is here [2024-07-03 20:52:35] [Output] : [HDM] Sephiroth has won as the last player alive [Streak: 3] [2024-07-03 20:52:35] [Output] : [Rewards] You earned 5 pts and $33.6 for finishing 2nd [2024-07-03 20:52:35] [Output] : [Toptimes] You reached less than 40% of the map (22%), your percentage won't be saved [2024-07-03 20:52:39] [Output] : gabchotff: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [2024-07-03 20:52:40] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: and one whore [2024-07-03 20:52:40] [Output] : [HDM] gabchotff has voted for redo! [3/4] [2024-07-03 20:52:51] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: benja snitch [2024-07-03 20:52:54] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: gabcho whore [2024-07-03 20:52:58] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: forreal [2024-07-03 20:52:58] [Output] : gabchotff: my bad bro [2024-07-03 20:53:00] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: this whore [2024-07-03 20:53:04] [Output] : gabchotff: avi is my bitch [2024-07-03 20:53:13] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: nigg what bitch [2024-07-03 20:53:20] [Output] : gabchotff: female dog [2024-07-03 20:53:23] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: XDDD [2024-07-03 20:53:26] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: wuff wuff [2024-07-03 20:53:29] [Output] : gabchotff: bark for me [2024-07-03 20:53:33] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: wuff wuff [2024-07-03 20:53:41] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: isnt it flaky cosplay? [2024-07-03 20:53:43] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: or sth? [2024-07-03 20:53:44] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: @/TFF\Avi [2024-07-03 20:53:52] [Output] : [GLOBAL] Shael: cum baby cum baby cum @/TFF\Avi [2024-07-03 20:53:58] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: who? [2024-07-03 20:54:00] [Output] : [GLOBAL] !Mostov: avi join power derby [2024-07-03 20:54:01] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: dog [2024-07-03 20:54:10] [Output] : /TFF\Avi: amk idk fr what u mean [2024-07-03 20:54:17] [Output] : gabchotff: flakycanal45? [2024-07-03 20:54:20] [Output] : gabchotff: thats shox bro [2024-07-03 20:54:53] [Output] : [GLOBAL] /TFF\Avi: BAZOOKA WHA [2024-07-03 20:54:59] [Output] : [GLOBAL] bazooka: .I. [2024-07-03 20:55:06] [Output] : [GLOBAL] /TFF\Avi: @Shael ????? [2024-07-03 20:55:07] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: flaky has irl photo with dog filter from snapchat [2024-07-03 20:55:51] [Output] : Lost/xen: and? [2024-07-03 20:55:57] [Output] : [GLOBAL] Shael: I'll do you, do right baby all night long @/TFF\Avi [2024-07-03 20:55:59] [Output] : (TEAM) xen[zihark: it wasnt flavio? [2024-07-03 20:56:05] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: and u have some different filter on irl photos [2024-07-03 20:56:06] [Output] : Lost/xen: is it that important [2024-07-03 20:56:13] [Output] : (TEAM) xen[zihark: it doesnt matter [2024-07-03 20:56:14] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: mmm finger [2024-07-03 20:56:22] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: tasty one [2024-07-03 20:56:22] [Output] : Lost/xen: old photo since ages [2024-07-03 20:56:23] [Output] : Shael: @flaky ? come get food dont bark more please good boy !! [2024-07-03 20:56:25] [Output] : (TEAM) xen[zihark: but this retard cant even remember things he want to remind all the time [2024-07-03 20:56:27] [Output] : gabchotff: chill guys [2024-07-03 20:56:27] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: woof [2024-07-03 20:56:28] [Output] : [GLOBAL] /TFF\Avi: damn..... [2024-07-03 20:56:41] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: did i talk to you or sth? [2024-07-03 20:56:44] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: no [2024-07-03 20:56:45] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: so stfu [2024-07-03 20:56:57] [Output] : Lost/xen: its insane how many time i join they still talk about it [2024-07-03 20:57:02] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: yeah [2024-07-03 20:57:06] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: so dont join once again [2024-07-03 20:57:09] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: maybe they will stop [2024-07-03 20:57:12] [Output] : Lost/xen: yea cringe [2024-07-03 20:57:17] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: cringe XDD [2024-07-03 20:57:22] [Output] : Lost/xen: look at the mirror for once [2024-07-03 20:57:29] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: look at ur discord dms [2024-07-03 20:57:32] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: this is real cringe [2024-07-03 20:57:43] [Output] : Lost/xen: i would never care for you like you do now [2024-07-03 20:57:45] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: wait [2024-07-03 20:57:47] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: ill answer later [2024-07-03 20:57:50] [Output] : (TEAM) xen[zihark: joined right into they day routine [2024-07-03 20:57:51] [Output] : MBAPPEF1: i have wow pull [2024-07-03 20:57:51] [Output] : Lost/xen: you can die [2024-07-03 20:57:58] [Output] : Shael: [2024-07-03 20:58:01] [Output] : /TfF\DaXx: I'm just here to happily ban someone [2024-07-03 20:58:02] [Output] : Sephiroth: reportable. [2024-07-03 20:58:02] [Output] : [GLOBAL] bazooka: YOU RETARD FAT ASS ADMIN [2024-07-03 20:58:14] [Output] : Lost/xen: thanks ban him [2024-07-03 20:58:16] [Output] : xen[zihark: death wishes allowed dw [2024-07-03 20:58:28] [Output] : /TfF\DaXx: Who is the one that should be gone? ^ thats the logs he didnt provide and you can tell who started this mess 5. Something to add: im writing because I believe my punishment was based on personal hatred and biased because first of all attempt didn’t provide the whole logs and he just included the part where it benefits him. He started the drama by mentioning me trying to provoke then talking about my clan and friends (flaky) and making indirect jokes and when I replied to him and then when DaXx muted him he used “you can die” as an excuse even tho if u read the context u can tell that i meant it as in (i dont care about you (Lost/xen: i would never care for you like you do now)) furthermore in the report he claimed that i was sticking my nose into this which is not true and the logs proves that, not to mention him lying saying that it wasn’t my first wishing death to him with no proofs to back this up. Alot of this stuff happens daily on the server but no one does anything about it but suddenly now the rules applies just because mbappe is somewhat close to zjk. hes the one who insisted on this and sees it as harsh for me to say that, meanwhile he wishes cancer for mappers every now and then.
    2 points
  35. So, as we see recently the system changed and these market are literally changed.. So I am hereby suggesting another addition which is berining back the old system cuz it's sucking money af, and like.. The costs of these objects vary.. I am not going to pay for every single object.. That's messy tbh. I know it's good idea to make the money useful and shit.. But like it's take longer... Like the main idea of suggesting this is to keep everything well organized for players, Like the old system is decent and don't need any updating, And I am not going along this way.. Give it a shot and bering it back .. I am sure most of people are agreeing with me at this point.. This system messy as fuck. So yeahhh..
    2 points
  36. ZUNII

    ZUNII's Join Request

    1. Tell us about yourself (Personality, Where you're from?, How old are you?). Greetings! My name is Maik, and I am a 22-year-old from Neuwied, Germany. My gaming passions include World of Warcraft, Multi Theft Auto, and Elden Ring, especially with the upcoming DLC. I am also trying to get into Tekken 8. I am known for my spontaneous nature and laid-back personality, which I believe contribute positively to any gaming community. 2. Tell us about your MTA history briefly. My journey with MTA began in 2011 when I received my first PC and a cracked version of GTA from my brother. In 2012, I discovered MTA and started exploring various servers. My first experience was on the TG server, where I initially misunderstood DM as Deathmatch similar to CoD. After several attempts and much practice on local servers, I found my rhythm on servers like FFS, XpR, and AEG. My most significant progress occurred on DDC Blue, where I truly honed my skills before the server's merger. Nowadays, I play MTA more casually but still enjoy it immensely. 3. Tell us about your previous clans and reason for departure. Xr: I left because the clan became inactive. DoA: I departed after taking a break from MTA. MvP: The clan unfortunately closed. 4. Why do you want to join "The Favoured Few"? I am generally interested in hosting events like the upcoming "PDD Tour" and enjoy fun modes like PDD and Race. I also hosted internal events in my last clan, MvP. Unfortunately, I couldn't organize a tournament we had planned due to the clan's closure. 5. How can you be useful for "The Favoured Few"? I bring a wealth of experience in administration and moderation, along with event hosting. During my time at DDC, I served as an admin and arena leader, organizing WFF-like events. I am eager to apply these skills to benefit "The Favoured Few." 6. Why should we choose you over other applicants? My prior experience in administration, moderation, and event hosting, combined with my positive attitude, makes me a strong candidate. I am dedicated to fostering an enjoyable and engaging community atmosphere. 7. Something to add. (Discord, Optional) Discord: maiksxs I believe that gaming should be fun and stress-free, and I always prioritize real-life responsibilities. Let's keep the game light-hearted and enjoyable for everyone. Looking forward to potentially joining the "The Favoured Few" family! Best regards, Maik
    2 points
  37. Nao

    PDD Events Maplist

    PDD MAPLIST: (24/07/2024) Number of maps: 50 BriaN - NEIN Towers BriaN - Never Lucky chris1384 - Neon Circuit chris1384 - Ruthless DD chris1384 ft. kautinkazu ft. Gregorian_Bivolaru - VOCEA BAGABONTILOR CIFFON - Los Pepes 1 CIFFON - Los Pepes 2 CIFFON ft. iMeMPlayZ - Mushrooms told us so CIFFON ft. Maradox - Spotlight cleanmetal ft. Mag ft. Shijian - Destructions Conqueror - Breaking Bad Creed - Babafingo Creed ft. Conqueror - Random CC JUMBO THE REGULATOR REMAINS READY Junky - Tower in the Night 1 Junky ft. ZUNII - HELL KarNikkl - Just Cant Smash Martin ft. Holzhocker - Random Luck Nebla - Oil Rigs NikotiN - Wave of Change NikotiN ft. GameX - Random Fuck! NikotiN ft. ZUNII ft. Torque ft. Bagio - Banned From Heaven 1 NO1SE! ft. threeV - Quarantine RacerX ft . Kun - Rocket Launcher Ron1 ft. FlinT ft. Beny - Mother Russian Luck Salih - Falling Rocks SemiSun ft. Cookie - TETRIS! SemiSun ft. NAiiF ft. Rakuzan ft. KarNikkl - Bikini Bottom! stan - Burning Trials 1 stan - Industrial Rush threeV - Gimme The Loot Torque - Follow me to Hell Torque - Loca Torque ft. ZUNII - Banned From Heaven 2 UppeR ft. Rexon - Tilted Towers XpR - Dildosis XpR - Necrosis XpR - No JuJu XpR -| Dragon Ball |- YuRi - BEYBLADOPHRENIA 1 YuRi ft. Junky - BEYBLADOPHRENIA 2 YuRi ft. SchwaN - Your Darkness ZUNII - DREI Towers ZUNII - Speedy Towers ZUNII ft. Torque ft. Junky - RE/ NEO TOKYO _Gyu_ - Beheaded Kamikaze _Gyu_ - Bober Kurwa _Gyu_ - Derby Arena 1 _Gyu_ - Derby Arena 2 _Gyu_ - Not Towers
    2 points
  38. lol#

    #MAYBE!'s Join Request

    Gl broski
    1 point
  39. Team Name: Zeitgeist Team Tag & Color: xz - 0c0c0c Captain Discord: night88x Team Players & MTA Serial: umut’xz 1F111CC6DC4753CD1EB89560C54019C2 slinger’xz 6936DECA6B83F929667239292B67AFF4
    1 point
  40. HI 5 DAYS MAPPING XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDcAHPIzyiE
    1 point
  41. Best of luck buddy ^^
    1 point
  42. Some nice additions to the garage, good stuff
    1 point
  43. Gyu

    SubzerkZ Squad Application

    Best of luck @legend
    1 point
  44. V4_

    LoL#'s Join Request

    gl broo
    1 point
  45. Gyu

    YaSsuo#!'s Join Request .

    This is not a surprising thing.
    1 point
  46. Gyu

    Meme Script for Garage!

    Hello everyone! I came up with this Meme Script as an idea for one of the MiniGames mode development that hasnt started yet, and I thought it would be a great idea to have this feature available by default for everyone on the server or just for premium players ( I dont mind ). So you could buy different " Meme Heads " for your character in the TFF Garage. I think the adjustability of the colors is not necessarily important but could be added. The images would appear like nametags. The car hide-fade options would also affect on this. In the settings you could turn it on or off globally and you could also have an option to show only yours on your screen. On Discord server create a separate room for this feature just like the Stickers request, so players can upload whatever they want there. I hope you like this idea.
    1 point
  47. FiNN

    FiNN's Application to /TfF\

    1. How old are you? I am 17 years old (I was born at 7th of June 1995) 2. How intensive do you play this game? (h/day) Well, basically I can play ~6 hours per day 3. In which clans you were before? I've been in PRC, Emp, VIP, ePic. 4. Since when you play MTA? (experience) I started to play MTA at 2011's December, so basically 1 years and 2 months. 5. Why you would like to join us? I would like to join TfF clan, because it is really friendly, good atmosphere having clan, I like this server pretty much, including maps , players and their behaviours. The website is simple, everything is clear and easily understandly. More about a clan, I've got a lot of friends there, I think they know me not only from this server, but a bit from past. I want to help to this clan to get more famous, that means help in clan wars, help newbies. 6. Are you able to speak/write a proper english? Yes, I am able to speak and write in english language, because I was learning english in Lithuania, and now in summer I went to UK (United Kingdom) and I am living here at the moment. Your faithfully, FiNN.
    1 point
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