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About umutgunesli

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  1. Team Name: Zeitgeist Team Tag & Color: xz - 0c0c0c Captain Discord: night88x Team Players & MTA Serial: umut’xz 1F111CC6DC4753CD1EB89560C54019C2 Lord 4322E177CE90ACD787F5A50179AF2292
  2. 1. Your Nickname: Julia 2. Admin / Player Nickname: Azoo 3. Reason: trying to provoke 4. Screenshot: 5. Something to add: its not him first time if dark see this report he know its not first, had warned before.
  3. Team Name: Bananas in Pyjamas Captain Discord: umut1029 Team Players & MTA Serial: Julia Beyond Akinnes Team Color & tag: #0c0c0c / bip Reserve (Optional): Leavon Zero
  4. 1- (He also called me "Slave" in the past, and he also has 3 more warnings for incitement and insults. ) I have already talked about this with bazoka. this topic has nothing to do with the previous ones (bazoka can approve it, no problem.) 2- As you can see on the video he said ''mal'' which means idiot/stupid in turkish. After he said that me i said '' ne diyorsun sik kırığı '' which means what are you sayin broken dick and in these line neonox says '' i did not mean u , why do i even argue with you, otta mute you./ And he muted me. (He can say i didnt tell you and i can say sorry i though u were telling me.) because he hates me and says he can't talk with me and uses his perms to silence me . Why need any warn here. I have too many warnings because he gave me unnecessary warnings.
  5. 1. Your Nickname:isleep'Jul/ 2. Admin / Player Nickname: Neonox 3. Reason: When we were playing shooter clanwar i got muted by neonox cause of ''provoke / insulting'' (he thinks). As you can see on the video he said ''mal'' which means idiot/stupid in turkish. After he said that me i said '' ne diyorsun sik kırığı '' which means what are you sayin broken dick and in these line neonox says '' i did not mean u , why do i even argue with you, gotta mute you./ And he muted me. (Actually he definitely said that to me there isn't that moment on that video but there is no any other situation to tell ''mal'' someone) 4. Screenshot: https://youtu.be/ZQuBHcrZdN4 5. Something to add: kinda have a personel problem with me and he using him admin perms abuse,insult,provoke
  6. General introduction: My name is Umut, you know me by my in-game nick julia. I am 21 years old and i live in İstanbul, Turkey. I am half bulgarian have 2 licence. I am waiting now my military time maybe i can go germany soon How often do you play this game? (h/day): Whenever you call me , I can enter the game. I'm not working right now, if there is a fun environment that I know on the server, I can play all day. It won't be boring for me Your MTA career by now (only momentous): I started the game in 2010 or 2012 i dont remember but i didn t know what i was playing then. i decided to quit. i started again and discovered ffs i found new friends and started to enjoy the game i play 2 year in os classic categori in ffs then it got boring and i start regular categori now im here Your old clans: UnG(Unit GAMES) - Member - Left =KoG=(i dont remember full name) - Left What would be your obligation within the community: I know the people on the server and they have a fun environment. If I'm accepted I can play in clan wars I'm confident I've seen your players are friendly so far so I want to be with you too What do you personally think you're good at: I pretty good at wff maps and i am traing the best time my like maps I think i am also good at organizing stuff and helping manage things.
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