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  1. Your Nickname: niim0te!8===D 2. Your Serial: - 3. Admin's Nickname: [T]riX^ 4. Server: Main Server 5. Ban / Mute Period: permanent 6. Ban / Mute Reason: toxic, insulting, unbelievable behavior 7. Explaination: to make it short me and others insulted someone and made inappropiate jokes about his mother , anything else has been said in my first unban request. would be cool to get another chance now that some time has passed since i got banned
  2. "Hi. You and your friends (nuriix and shox) are kindly known for escalations like this." You must be confusing me with someone else because i havent done something like this before. "We dont need players like you acting like this." I already stated that im Sorry and apologized to him for my behavior and said it wont happen again. What else can i do? I deserve a punishment no doubt, but why wouldnt i get a chance to show that it was a one-time thing? Usually i dont behave like that otherwise i think i would have been atleast punished for Insulting etc. before which is not the Case.
  3. Of course it was a mistake to say these things. It was just In the heat of the moment I didn't think about what I was writing and how it would make him feel, my behavior was totally inappropriate and it wont happen again. Im Sorry about what happened and regret the things i said, i can totally understand why i got penalized, saying stuff like that is just tactless and not alright. I messaged him in discord and apologized myself. It's been roughly a Week since i got banned, and i think its about the ban duration i would give myself.
  4. 1. Your Nickname: niim0te!8===D 2. Your Serial: - (new drive idk old serial) 3. Admin's Nickname: [T]riX^ 4. Server: Main Server 5. Ban / Mute Period: permanent 6. Ban / Mute Reason: "toxic, insulting, unbelievable behavior" 7. Explaination: basically me and 2 other guys (shox and nuriix) insulted someone bcs he beat up some old man in his garden, which escalated into making inappropriate jokes. But i barely said anything, i mainly read the chat and laughed. while that happened there was already an Admin (Evo) to ban shox (so i assume he was aware of shox not being the only one who were insulting) but me and nuriix didnt get penalized. Later that day i join the server to get permabanned by a trix, which i think that the duration is not justafied considering i barely said anything or had many warns ( i had 1 warning for non english in global).
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