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Everything posted by SprayCaN

  1. SprayCaN


    And good at Bragging.
  2. This is hard to say,but today at aproximately 7:50 pm my little 3 month old puppy Ryuk fled my parents front yard without notice and got ran over by a driver who fled the scene and left him for dead. I got there too late. A notice to pet owners. Don't leave your pets especialy new babies by themselfs. Hug and love your pets, you don't know when you might lose them. R.I.P Ryuk https://imgur.com/5TthZwT
  3. Bruh look at this dude


  4. • 1. General introduction: Hello my nick is SprayCaN I'm 21 about to be 22 on the 20th of June. • 2. How often do you play this game? (h/day): Depends on the days but up to 4-5h daily • 3. Your MTA career by now (only momentous): Well I've been playing mta since 2012 with a DD server named 3lite Racers sticked to it until 2016 but during that 4 year period both the server and the team that ran it went thru some changes, it became a random map/gamemode server with diferent mode squads Examples:shooter/DD/FDD*which is Fun DD). With those changes I decided to change myself and start really trying hard to join the team which I did in 2014. Althought not as a DD player but a Shooter player, Since mid 2013 I had been playing shooter in various servers mostly pG so when I applied to 3R and got tested it was as a shooter player, which I passed. From 2014 to 2016 I stayed as a shooter player for 3R eventualy moving up in the ranks to co squad leader and finaly to Squad leader in 2015. At that point I set my mind on making the best shooter team MTA had to offer so i began working, talking and making connections until the roster was complete. The most dominant shooter squad in MTA's history was born. It consisted of various people of various nacionalities but all with incredible skill and good manners and luckily after such hard work I got recognized and promoted to Co-Owner of 3lite Racers. The squad maintained itself until a faithful day which I still don't quite understand, in April of 2016 I got allegedly kicked for abusing my rights which was strange to me because I just had recently come back from a month of kimotherapy since I had leukima. I was pretty shocked and angry back then so i lost all respect towards the clan and the members who helped getting me kicked. That fueled a wave of ddosing from 3lite Racer's leader "spAik" and harrassement towards my ex GF. At the time I was being so flooded with DDoS attacks that I asked the only people I could for help, Xiti and BriaN (thanks guys <3) Xiti on his own accord helped me since a fellow person that was being harrassed (Mazda a former 3R member and also hated) had applied for TC so they DDoSed TC's website as soon as I posted my join request to TC. This turned out to be perfect for Xiti since it gave him a reason to find out everything about "spAik" including his adress and all of his personal data which finaly stopped the DDoS attacks and harrassement, and so how it stood I had applied to TC and got accept in the summer of 2016 after Portugal won the European cup. In TC I i was still a shooter player until late 2016 after getting promoted to Shooter Squad Leader I started losing interest in the gamemode and focused on learning something new, DM. The process wasn't easy, and since TC had such a high standard I had to rise to the ocasion, with the help of RiseR,Simas,Ron1,Dast3r and NesoN I finaly joined TC's DM squad and sticked with DM ever since. Mid 2017 rolled around and TC was stale, I was having some IRL problems that forced me to become inactive so I decided to leave so that new players could fill the spot. I was clanless for pretty much a year with the exception of being in VIP for 2 weeks I belive, Althought I had applied for ER shortly before they closed and seem to would have been accepted. After ER closed and V opened my good friend Every decided on opening a clan and he invited me on to his project which would later be called Unlimited Power! I stayed in Unlimited Power until late 2018 when I decided I should leave and try for something else. After a Few months of inactivity Dmitry Invited me into FoXX which I stayed in until it closed and now i'm here applying to tff. • 4. Your old clans: 3R(3lite Racers) TC(The Crew) UP(Unlimited Power) [FoXX] (Force Out Xtreme) • 5. What would be your obligation within the community: Managing players,Forum and playing in the server consistantly since I've been playing on tff since 2014. • 6. What do you personally think you're good at: Playing wise HDM and wff, as a person i'm a good with people I can manage stuff quite well in terms of comunity based activity. • 7. Something to add (optional): Skype: eddoomjr Thanks for reading my JR
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