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Everything posted by Cykz

  1. Cykz

    Nao (xd)

    Hi vinny, after taking a good look in your report we've decided that you are GUILTY, you were clearly disturbing the peace just by having your nick appearing on global chat. Take care of your actions next time!
  2. Did u even try to translate what he said? I guess not, but w/e. Turks IQ average are probably under the line anyway. Cya in few mins anyway! DOG
  3. 1. Your Nickname: Cykz 2. Admin / Player Nickname: @badtrip 3. Reason: Muted me for "spamming" without any warns while a guy named br1 didnt get his punish for acting racist for the past 10 min. 4. Screenshot: LOGS [2024-01-16 19:11:05] [Output] : br1^^: que te pasa macaco [2024-01-16 19:11:59] [Output] : br1^^: si si lo que digas mono, [2024-01-16 19:13:33] [Output] : br1^^: te lo explico con bananas [2024-01-16 19:15:44] [Output] : br1^^: This little monkey makes me laugh saying things about my country's economy, when if I were poor I wouldn't even be able to play xd [2024-01-16 19:16:36] [Output] : br1^^: te dije dos cosas y te enojaste mono que paso [2024-01-16 19:17:36] [Output] : br1^^: @SHC//Cykz see u later monkey 5. Something to add: ( Optional ) Hey badrip, befor muting someone maybe u try to at least know whats going on?
  4. FIRST of all if its not the 1st time this situation happens, why do you still play against people you know they cheat/abuse?? So stop crying and accept the fact cws arent played unless both parts accept to play it, so you are guilty as well and please stop reporting someone every single week! Ty cheers
  5. The mute was meaningless, joking with friends isn't an apparent reason for mute. Despite that, actually none was offended by the jokes otherwise they would've reported it here.
  6. Indeed i'll take responsibility of my actions but hopefully you become man enough to assume that you actually do the same but we know that you wont do it because you are an "angel" and never did anything like that xD
  7. Yet your buddy is accusing me without any evidences that i actually insulted his child, again being hypocrite? SADGE, apparently when the bodyguard comes to defend his friend he actually contradicts himself. xD
  8. Just supposed it, but apparently he's not self confident enought to know it's actually not happening so i guess i might be right and he got worried, hopefully i could've helped you out!
  9. Never said im good and friendly you piece of disgusting shit, i'm towards the ones who actually deserve it. Also i never insulted your child so stop trying to act like i ever did it you fucking retard, the only sentences i ever said were: "go play with your child instead of playing online games until 4am" and "your child must be proud of his dad, playing games until 4 am and insulting others".
  10. As you can clearly see on the screenshots the first sentence was to everyone in the room and not even directed to you, otherwise i would've tagged any of you but w/e. Also when the duo of scumbag pricks aka YOU and Ben Sage decide to insult Ukf's father or his family or simply try to start random dramas/fights on the server none punishes you for that nor anything. So don't be hypocrite to a point you will actually "try" to report someone for something you constantly do when you get "mad". Cheers, cya a on server.
  12. 1. Tell us something about yourself: My name is Vitor more known as cykz, im 24 y/o and i live in Brazil! 2. Your previous clans: RedBull (-RB-) For The Win (-ftw-) Alien Racers (aR//) The Favoured Few (/TfF\) Sixth Sense (6s|) Seventh Miracle (7m) Unlimited Power (UP|) Xtreme Pro Racers (XpR) Elite Players (eP) Nitrous Racing (xN) Xenous (xen) Synergy (Syn) Lengendary Seven (L7) 3. What are your best accomplishments? My best accomplishment in this game is that somehow i've been playing it for the past 12 years and yet i didnt quit. 4. Which squad do you want to join? (You can choose more than one) WFF/DM 5. Something to add (Discord, optional) cykz_
  13. Hey plexy, i can feel that you are probably having personal issues irl and you are prolly getting angry cuz your life got to this point... due to that you are trying to get other players to the same situation you got into by insulting and wishing bad things to them. Instead i'd suggest you to go to a doctor or try some methods to control your anger so you can actually improve as a human being. Cya, and hopefully he gets punished for doing such thing because actions like that shouldn't be tolerated at all. Also, everyone deserves a second chance, its not late to assume the things u said and be forgiven!
  14. Hi guys, this section is strictly for things that actually occurred on TfF's main server. In that case you guys either solve it personally or simply block/ignore each other. Cya!
  15. Cykz

    azoo unban req

    Wish you the best of luck getting accepted in TfF! Ops! Unbanned i meant!!!
  17. Apparently people can punish based on how they feel about someone totally ignoring the guidelines they were supposed to follow, but when u punish someone for being racist for no reason and for exploiting a known bug on the Server u apparently loses ur rights! Stay strong @Dice! Same goes for you @cousty!
  18. I see being part of 90 actually turn people into very toxic ones!!! Now that it died i see everyone is apologizing! U deserve a 2nd chance bro!
  19. Everyone deserves a second chance, also its not new that tff has been unbanning people who got permanent ban just to keep/increase their playerbase. P.S Also id like to add that @DEESKis o good boy and deserves a 2nd chance as well, love you! @DEESK
  20. [INFO] You can now join multiple clans
  21. Good luck deesk, you deserve it my love!! The fact u got perma banned in ep doesnt mean u are toxic ok?????
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