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About SEEN97

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  1. SEEN97

    "Makes You"

    Rape Victim makes you say wtf? -Whores
  2. SEEN97

    "Makes You"

    Dildo makes you understand what Marko thought while writing Dildo. -Thinking
  3. SEEN97

    "Makes You"

    Communism makes you Communist -Mirror
  4. Holy shit i thought that was a captcha

  5. What is on your mind?

  6. SEEN97

    "Makes You"

    This game is very simple. You write something like "xxx makes you xxx" and after that u write a random letter like "condom" and the next guy who writes after him, he says Condom makes you xxx and writes another random letter. I wanna start with : CzerkA makes you cancer - Women
  7. SEEN97

    3DMAX First Try

    Good job bro, but i'd like to see a bit shadows here.
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