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Hey everyone!

TheFavouredFew Events Team is proud to finally announce our first ever Shooter Tournament!
We have been waiting excitedly for the right moment to share this with all of you, and we believe the time to do so has finally arrived!

We are looking forward to providing each one of you a saga of competitive battles and an enjoyable journey throughout our first Shooter tournament.


Welcome to the First edition of

  Shooter Trio Championship!



Tournament Information:

  • Shooter Trio Championship is a 3v3 based tournament.
  • Tournament Format will be revealed a few days after registrations are closed.
  • The chosen gamemode for this specific edition is Low Jump.
  • In-case a regular match ends 10-10, there will be a 10-minute break before we move on to play the Tiebreaker rounds, and if both teams agree on skipping it, we will do so.
  • Semi-Finals and The Grand Final are going to be a Best of 3 series. There will be breaks of 10 minutes between each game of a BO3 Series. If both teams agree on skipping it, we will do so.
  • For the Grand Final, if the series is scored as 1-1, we will give both teams a break of 60 minutes before starting the 3rd and last game of the series.


Regular Matches Information:

  • In-case the final score results in a 10-10 tie, we will play 4 Tiebreaker rounds. in-case there is another tie at 12-12, we will play 3 Tiebreakers to end the game.
  • Each team will choose 1 Tiebreaker map and the 3rd map is going to be picked by the Organizers.
  • If both teams come to an agreement, they can choose the 3rd and last map, if they don't, the last map will be picked by the event organizers team. 
  • The map chosen by the organizers for the last Tiebreaker round is always going to be Tobster - The Castle due to its notorious fame on being the undeniably most played & balanced map in Shooter History.



Semi-Final Information:

  • Semi-Finals matches are going to be played in a Best of 3 Series, with the 3rd game being slightly shorter.
  • The first 2 games of a Semi-Final will have 20 rounds each, while the 3rd game is going to be shorter, with 15 rounds. The first team to reach 8 points, wins the match.
  • Tiebreaker rounds work differently here from the regular games, because a BO3 game takes more time to be finished. Instead of having multiple Tiebreaker rounds, we will have only 1. If both teams come to an agreement, they can choose the single Tiebreaker map that will be played. if they don't, the last map will be picked by the event organizers team.
  • The map chosen by the organizers for the single Tiebreaker round in Semi-Finals is always going to be Tobster - The Castle.


Grand-Final Information:

  • The Grand Final will be a normal Best of 3 series. 3 Games, 20 rounds each, plus the singular Tiebreaker round, in-case the final score of a game ends 10-10.
  • Tiebreaker rounds here work the same way as in the Semi-Finals.
  • The map chosen by the organizers for the single Tiebreaker round in Semi-Finals is always going to be Tobster - The Castle.
  • If a series is scored 1-1 and the 3rd game goes to a 10-10 tie, we will play 4 extra rounds. If the score goes 12-12, we will keep having 4 extra rounds until someone wins 3 out of 4 Tiebreaker rounds.


Now that the introduction of the tournament is done, let's skip to the best part, the Prizes!

Thanks to all the donations we've had in the last couple months, we have been able to gather a significant amount of money to provide you guys a prize in real money.


1 months donator status
$60 per team
$1.000.000 per player on the server
15 days donator status
$30 per team
$500.000 per player on the server
7 days donator status
$15 per team
$250.000 per player on the server

Final Words


We hope you guys are just as excited as we are, thanks to all the people that have contributed to the development of this tournament and a huge thanks in advance to all the people that are going to participate or spectate the matches.
Get your crew together and be ready for what is about to come. the new era of competitive Shooter begins with this tournament.
This is just the beginning of a series of competitive tournaments that we are planning to host throughout 2024, stay tuned, big things are to come!
Cya on the battlefield!
Thanks to @iRaiden& @Zei for the banner


Edited by Dubbie
  • Dubbie pinned this topic

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