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Kira unban request


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1. Your Nickname: Kira (ShakuR, Exotiik)

2. Your Serial: (to get your serial, open MTA, then open Console (using F8) and write "serial")

3. Admin's Nickname: Attempt (asked by Nao)

4. Server: TFF main

5. Ban / Mute Period: Permanent

6. Ban / Mute Reason: Insulted server

7. Explaination: I was playing on Nikotin v16 on training section, and I failed like a bad HDM player. I decided to insult TFF because in my mind, it was the main reason of my fail because I had a FPS drop at this time. I insulted again because I could not use /bm and I had to go on F7 menu to buy a map. I insulted again because I failed on the end on Escape From Deathly Paradise. I think TFF doesn't deserve my insults, I have to respect the job of the developpers who are trying to do their best jobs to offer us the best experience. I'm just a bad player on HDM and I needed to find a reason of my fails... I apologize

Edited by Kira
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