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Dr!m4k's Friend Application!


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1. Your nickname, age & location.

Well, my name is José Joaquin aka #Dr!m4k in-game. I was born in November 1999, so I’m 23 and currently living in a small town in San José, Costa Rica.


2. Main arena you play at.



3. How active are you in the server?

It really varies, I am fortunate that I can play from work, and I almost always play from 8 to 12 hours a day, obviously depending on the work situation and on the weekends with the university variant.


4. Why do you want to be TfF Friend?

I am a very direct person and I will go to the point, I have noticed a lot of administrative disability because I do not know if you have noticed that there are players who break rules, insults and abuse some bug for their benefit, and this is why I decided to make this request to be friends of the server, to help and seek the best experience for all other players.


5. Why should we choose you over other applicants?

I know I'm not a popular player, and I know that will affect me in this request, but if you want someone with experience in administration to solve doubts and help, that's me, because I have extensive experience in this field, I have been a moderator in many communities such as 3R, and servers related to DayZ and Roleplay, so I feel confident and secure to be a friend of the server.


6. Something to add.(Discord/Optional)


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