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Everything posted by AvG

  1. Hey Stop..glad to see you again. Sorry, I see I'm kinda late to the topic but I just wanted to say hi. And to answer your question- not really. I just check on forums occasionally. Maybe we catch each other sometime
  2. Great news. Welcome back oldtimers and good luck with the things in progress! P.S.: No problem shock, I'm glad that I could help.
  3. AvG

    Some news.

    Unfortunately, due to my inactivity, I can't say who deserves it and who don't. I can only hope that all of you have deserved your place in this clan. Hope you guys will do your best to make this clan move forward and to work together always as a team. Build a good relationship between each other, respect each other, try to be a good example to our players and this whole community will work just as it should. Congratz everybody.
  4. Cool, friendly and peaceful members as far as I can remember. Being a good example for everyone. Really sad to see you guys leaving us. It was a pleasure having you guys around and I wish you all the best in your real life. Hoping to see you guys again some day. Cheers! (=
  5. Congratz to our new and full members and congratz to splash on his new position. Sad to see one of my best friends here on mta leaving our little family. I wish you all the best in your life Amrou, and I hope we'll stay in touch^^.
  6. Tarin that's the thing that gets me the most.. He knows he'll get accepted with or without a jr, and most of the old members just asked to come back, but he had enough respect to write one anyways... Respect+ huralk ((:
  7. Just what i wanted to see (: I'm really happy to see this app... Best of luck hur!(althought we all know you wont need it )
  8. Congratulations everybody, and well done Foxeh. You did a good job with this, and most important, the whole job... ...which happens to be a rare case in our community... ...(khm,khm)... *Respect+
  9. AvG

    JR by *Fros[T]

    Good luck frost
  10. Keep all the real clans on tab aswell
  11. n30x will work on that this week(hopefuly). We will probably change the service back to paygol since we never had any issues with other countries in the past. I hope that will be solved very soon.
  12. Congratz everybody! Still sad about FiNN, irreplaceable guy. Wish you all the best in your real life, and I don't even have to say that our doors will always stay open for you! Thank you for everything you did for TFF, and much more. Hard to deal with such lost. Till the next time, my friend. :'( Also, congratz to zomi, I have a good feeling about you. Prove that I was right!
  13. AvG


    Yes I fully understand your reaction so don't worry. You've spent alot of time here, even more then some trials, but nothing is fair thesedays. You need to accept that fact. I wish u best of luck in future, if you decide to take a chance once again, and if not, I hope u'll still stay part of this community. *Cheers !
  14. AvG


    Glad to see SKC guy following some news in this community. Thank you for your support 31Check.
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