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  1. Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing pretty well. Just now I decided to write this thread, it's my thank to ShockWave and all others who participated in reopening of this undoubtedly amazing team. So in the following text I would love to thank you all for doing such a hard but in the same moment very important job for me and many many others. Most of you can remember that TfF community and team were both really strong power in the MTA world back to the past. So right now I personally filled with a lot of positive emotions and it may seems to be a little bit foolish for you but I could say that my heart are taking control over my brain and I can't find any better way to show my feelings to this community than to write this thread. I thank all of you guys, thank you for giving to TfF a new life, thank you for letting the legend rebirth from the ash! Thank you for being a team, thank you for keeping an unique atmosphere of old TfF and I personally thank you just for the fact that TfF again exists. It is really means a lot for me and the words I'm writing here isn't just a empty shells of feelings because TfF seriously became my second family, just in one place I met so many amazing peoples, I had so many fun and became who I'm now. No, really this community had such a big influence on me that my entity and character been built here. On this forum, this server. I learned a lot of things between human relationships and that's why I'm thank you all again and again and will never stop to be grateful to everybody who ever contributed for this community. I wish to the current TfF administration to be the best of the best, to be the ones that build the new and the better TfF. I wish you to get much more players than TfF ever had, I wish you to reach new heights, I wish you to get the most skilled and loyal members of the team. I wish you everything I could wish to my home in the MTA world! THE LEGEND WILL GROW AGAIN! You are all a big part at my heart and I will never forget anybody of you <3 Much Thanks !
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