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Posts posted by SneaX

  1. 6 minutes ago, zenotsyne said:

    Ok, let's go tick, let's remind you of some facts, my fight with you started because of you and you came to mention me in the fight about hugao and nx who were attacking you, you couldn't handle it and lost in the arguments, that was even in the vultaic if I I remember it well, right? It's been 2 years since I apologized, I tried to be nice to you but you always found some reason to tease me like "shut up ukf" flooding the chat pt-br After a while he started insulting my relatives and threatening to wish me dead, it became a bit of a persecution of you, you were on my ignore and every day something came from you wanting to call me, I took you off the ignore, you started cursing me again, your actions were never correct and Are you talking about a person who has already died but can't talk about your girl? You never tried to solve anything, I always remain this toxic person because of the mess from 3 years ago, you never got over it. you never respected me "until when you were in good spirits" you yourself said you were going to put my name on the upa as dead, funny, right? me you yourself had a name on discord tick hate ukf death to ukf in sv even you did this several times while you were on ignore calling others to make fun about me alots of time i was screenshotting u acts i'm was wrong but was big more than all u deserved this ban for u acts u said dont care if banned in this shit server now want unban? And the text I sent you, you know very well why, don't you remember that you said that my father should be fucked in hell several times and when you come back to your same reaction, you can't stand it? In your own pm, the person who sent you said good things to him but you were already threatening me before that, right? Let's be honest, don't come with lies because you need some treatment for 3 years, do you have this little hurt? Why didn't you arrive and try to talk to me when we were on good terms? Several times you attacked @sendy, calling him trans, several conversations about you making fun of me in the chat pt br, you never respected anyone, just your colleagues, why did you have this habit with me? Easy now say that? If you pretend to be a victim, now I will show you some screenshoots of you insulting me for free.

    Use screenshots or logs atleast if you want to proof something 

  2. 11 minutes ago, ZUNII said:

    Lieber Kevin (BenQ),

    Vielen Dank für deine Bewerbung bei "The Favoured Few" und für dein ehrliches Engagement für unser Team. Wir haben deine Anfrage sorgfältig geprüft und während wir beeindruckt von deinem Einsatz und deinen Fähigkeiten sind, sind wir noch nicht sicher, ob wir neue Mitglieder aufnehmen möchten.

    Wir schätzen deine langjährige Präsenz auf unserem Server und deine positiven Beiträge zur Gemeinschaft. Deine Bereitschaft, anderen zu helfen, und deine Anpassungsfähigkeit sind Qualitäten, die wir bei unseren Mitgliedern sehr schätzen. Deine Fähigkeiten im Hunt, WFF und DM sind ebenfalls beeindruckend.

    Wir werden deine Bewerbung weiterhin berücksichtigen und dich auf dem Laufenden halten, sobald wir eine endgültige Entscheidung getroffen haben. Wir danken dir für dein Verständnis und deine Geduld während dieses Prozesses.



  3. I literally can’t understand why you want to play with that obviously troll of a nickname similar to Lost hers. Stick to yours which you used for decades or go for something that doesn’t have anything to do with Lost|xen and anything that hints on your troll intentions.


    i stand with my decision cause for me its obvious af that you try to troll but I’m gonna let the managers handle it.

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