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About AudiMTA01

  • Birthday 07/10/1997

AudiMTA01's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. 1. General introduction: Hello! My name is Harry and I was born in a city called Blackburn in England, United Kingdom. My nickname inside Multi Theft Auto is *Audi#<~. I am seventeen years old; I am currently studying in college. I have a few hobbies such as; Playing football, other sports, video games and hanging about with friends. 2. How often do you play this game? (h/day): I play this game everyday for at least 2 hours or if not, then more and that is on weekdays. But, on weekends I can play for how long I would like really, but if you need me I'll be here instantly on weekends. This includes holidays too. 3. Your MTA career by now (only momentous): My Multi Theft Auto career has been utterly intriguing. I started off a couple of years ago (can not remember the exact date) playing in a DD server of which I do not remember the name of. I was immediately addicted to this and I prioritised this over everything else I did. This game was introduced to me by my best friend, and I can not thank him enough for this wonderful experience I had and I'm having. Then I started exploring Multi Theft Auto further. This caused me to find a server entitled "nFS| need For Speed." In this server, I realised what DM-Deathmatch actually was and I started playing 24/7 until I got the hang of all of the controls. Once I did, I started getting tops and contributing in hunter fights on normal maps. Furthermore, I then joined a server called -RB- Redbull which pushed me further into this category 'DM'. Playing, I understood how to play this game correctly and my ability in DM increased massively. This made others notice me and I made lots of friends because of this. After that, I used to train with my friends from another server; -|UG|- which I entered a couple of times, as well as the other two, and I was one of the best there at this time. We used to train in TG and a few other servers. I started playing FFS and TG constantly but only for a while until I found TfF. In TfF, I made many new friends and found some from the previous servers I played. As a result of this, I played TfF and DM from that point onwards. Unfortunately, I stopped after some time because my brothers laptop broke so I had no other computer to play on. I started forgetting about Multi Theft Auto until I all of a sudden got attracted to it again. Because of this, I saved up for the budget PC I'm using now. This experience in Multi Theft Auto has made me the man I am today, if you know how I play, you will understand. 4. What would be your obligation within the community? My commitment towards the community would be that I will play and make the most of the time I get to enjoy my self and also, most importantly, make other people, the community, enjoy themselves even if I don't. The Favoured Few community and server seems like a really peaceful environment to be at so I don't even think punishing any players has to come in hand unless it's a really bad situation otherwise, it's fine. Also, I'll definitely help new players and one's who are struggling. This should be a simple task for me as I have done this before in another place and my English is rather good. 5. What do you personally think you're good at? I personally think I am exceptional at DM-Deathmatch and also DD although, I am not too bad at hunter. I can play any game mode and get used to it so I become good but only if necessary. I also think I'm good at RP-Roleplay even though this isn't relevant but by playing this, my driving skills, communication skills, and many more. 6. Something to add (optional): According to a few of the TfF members and some players of the community, they said I should make a join request so, here it is. I hope you enjoy reading this, it's fairly long and quite detailed. If you need to contact me, I'm in TfF 24/7 or just add me on skype: Harry789.101112
  2. Great map, i think of this map as if Spectrum did a ft with cookie. mixture of both styles.. good job
  3. Ehh Ehh Nuh, that doesn't work D:
  4. Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your name is Dave, This makes no sense, Microwave.
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