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Everything posted by DeLeTe

  1. Nickname: DeLeTe Skype: delete.mta Serial: 40401890E54A40CD0FEB4EA4506BD5E4
  2. KFC לך תתמסחר אצל
  3. Nickname: DeLeTe Skype: delete.mta Serial: 7B5163DA3B8F5BA5431C264949556753
  4. Team name: Comeback Israel Captain: Democracy bro (but delete is the governer) Contact(skype): delete.mta 2nd Player: LookaT
  5. I want to participate in World Cup Tournament.
  6. There are few things that you might dont know, thats why people say "shit tff". sure, it doesnt need to be that important if a "virtual player" did this, and did that, but still , it is a bit dissapointing to see the implications that move through tff after some bad decisions. peace out.
  7. DeLeTe

    Some news.

    I agree with your complaint. After one week, people who never was playing in TfF entered. Everybody who will "nolife" for 2 weeks will get 90% to get into TfF. What the fuck happend to this community? "This is just a game". well you right (whoever will say that), but still, people are trying to have fun in this community , and in this server. After every bullshit you make, you loose more and more players, that is a bit sad. if you compare "Old" TfF to this "New" TfF you can see the different. And to be honest, I do know why TfF's management do that stuff, they just want to make the best for TfF. well I appriciate your attempt (you shouldnt be cared), but as a player, it doesnt look good. By the way, congratulations goes to Flokkz, Condom and Promoe. Cheers, DeLeTe.
  8. But you are TfF's trial, you shouldnt act that way LOL im proud of you dinac, you finally killed tff ^^
  9. so, i wait for my apologize from Ave, splash and few others ^^ btw ZeN you are a hero. i cant believe how was i so stupid that i didnt get the point of your saying (he'll know what im talking about)
  10. You know what, you could add some one else, but Lordekk? the one who got banned several times, got muted for unknown times, the one that provoked everyone? Wow dinac, im shocked. even /TfF\Greck sounds better than /TfF\Lordekk. :Hellno: ka-boom TfF
  11. well dinac, explain us what did you think /TfF\Lordekk [:me-gusta:] :Hellno: ka-boom TfF e.e
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blb9XdY362o And when i left people said wtf, why, that stuff. finally someone understood me!
  13. There wasnt a big selection, so i am not surprised. gz anyways [:bitch-please:]
  14. Listen guys, my computer is really bad. It can runs MTA for 30 minutes without getting OFF (totally off). I'll take the computer to a technician. Fix out without me for some time I know you will miss meh c: Best regards, *delete de kebab *pixel, i cant map atm (you know why) ;p hope it will be fixed soon. *haters gonna be hated madafakas
  15. Congratulations you pussy's licker I wish you will loose your virginity ! (you are illegal to drink now ) A little birthday present you madafaka: ~! PIXEL IS 18 ~!~ edit:
  16. CongratulationS guys AMIRRR :Hellno: :'(
  17. Thanks to mTH for the record mTH's skype: Gm-Sun
  18. yep Are you missing Pixel? (Miss you bro :boardrock: )
  19. Ivan (I miss you bro :boardrock: )
  20. I'm not sure if you remember me, but nvm You are a nice and a friendly guy (most of the times). Good Luck mate
  21. DeLeTe


    Werent you in EfE?
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