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Everything posted by Keglis

  1. That was a great decision by you and cens to try your luck again, i'd love to see you guys back, well, good luck :-X
  2. i'd love to see you back dude, wish you all the best
  3. ok im curious to read it
  4. i won't read it all, well maybe someday, but yeah, congratulations guyz, dunno if u deserved it but be damn good boys, cya in game (i won't promise that), okay, im out
  5. This one would look the best as your signature.
  6. http://www.hdpaperwall.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/sangeh-monkey-forest-10.jpg
  7. as i already said, it's amazing, good job
  8. Finally a SymoN's map that I really liked. The idea is stunning. Keep all the great work. Looking forward to play it. Once again, good job guys.
  9. Howdy folks! Here's my second application: First of all, my name is Dovydas, I am 15 years old and I live in Lithuania in a city called Utena. The main hobby I've got, is street workout. This is one of the reasons why I can't wait for summer because it's just too cold to get out side and try to improve your body. Also, can't wait to have some fun with my friends and take a rest from school. My favorite games genres are racing and shooter and I just can't stand MMO games. If you'd like to contact me, my skype is dovydass8. Well, I'm a bit busy, school, homework, some other stuff takes much time from me. I usually get home at 3 pm. After that, I have lunch and spend few hours using my computer. After that, it's time to do my homework. I spend a lot of time doing it. Finally, it's time to have dinner and after that, I watch TV and go to sleep. That's the timetable of my crappy day. Anyway, I always try to spend my free time with you guys. I'm more active at weekends. The first clan I joined, was {RTD}. After some time I went to Emp|, which had just an awful leader.. That provoked to leave the clan. Then I joined ~TS~ which I really liked. However, I left it. Finally, I went to /TfF\ and got accepted. After some time, I got kicked for inactivity. So, my previous clans are {RTD}, Emp|, ~TS~, /TfF\ Everything began in a server called {RTD} (Race The Death) when my close friend invited me to try it. I really enjoyed playing in there. After some time I learnt the basics of DM and it became even more interesting. Soon I became a pure nolifer, I had the most xp from the whole server. Finally, I wrote a join request and got accepted. I was really happy being in the clan. It was an honor for me. However, it became boring because we almost didn't have any cw's and after some time the clan collapsed. A friend from the {RTD} called eDev a.k.a Urba was playing in Emp|. So I decided to try it as well. I easily got accepted to the clan. The leader was just an awful person and that was the reason why I left. I was clanless for a long time and finally Urba invited me to join ~TS~. I joined it. The clan was nice and it was really nice to play in there. We had lots of great cw's. The crew was also friendly. After some time, the leader left the clan and promoted Urba to a new leader. Urba promoted me to the co-leader. Everything became good. We were continuing the existence of the clan. Anyway, after some time I left the clan and had a break of mta. After a huge break I got back and didn't know what to do now. Finally, FiNN suggested me /TfF\. I tried the server and I really liked it. Playing there was just an awesome experience. I improved my skills and had a lot of fun. People were friendly and I was really happy to play in there. I decided to try my luck, so I wrote a join request. Finally, I saw the topic of the new trials and it included my name! That day was awesome. Being in the clan was an honor. Something happened with my mta and I wasn't able to play it anymore. This was the reason why I got kicked. Finally, I got a new computer and my mta is working perfectly now. I'm happy to be here again and continue my career. Hopefully, I will have a chance to be a part of this great clan again. The clan has changed a little bit, but it is still great. I like the atmosphere, the crew, the people playing in the server and the scripts. The clan is one of the most powerful and I'd like to be a part of it again. My english isn't the best but I'm always trying to improve it and hopefully you are able to understand me. The application is similar to my previous one including some extensions. Also I'm quite good at making videos what may be useful. I'm decent at mapping and I could help you to make /TfF\ even more famous! Hopefully it was interesting to read my application. See ya in the server! Respectfully, FloriaN
  10. you don't have to be so rude @noise What about map. Well, it's not bad. Finally the deco is quite attractive. Track was also interesting. I'd really like to test it. So what can I say, GJ :3
  11. Hopefully this time you will be one of the new trials. Good luck!
  12. Stunning map, good job both (y) And thanks for the download link.
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