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  1. i wanna be tff friend @Eyecatcher congratz bros nice to see y'all back, you'll see me around
  2. More like xN# (mid 2017) - Left because I failed a lot in a clan war, started to rage so managers decided to swap me from some maps so I could relax but I raged even more and started to distract my teammates with my behavior so I left the server and watched the stream and saw how they insulted me for my stupid actions not to mention the fact that they undoubtedly played way better when I left the server proving that I was just a distraction. Gl doe
  3. Your previous team sucked and you aren't the first one to waste his skills there, If you join TfF you'll get a lot more solid since I see they want to improve and that's the kind of environment a player needs. Gl kid time 2 shine.
  4. Nickname: Adidas Skype: nachomuzzu Serial: 77017ABE37932EE70F91CFCBE860E324
  5. btw everyone ate shots, particularly in TfF servers I feel like they're exagerated. idk why but it feels like that bb i'll cry in a corner
  6. So you think that's even good? That makes it even worse for him, a fucking grown man crying about video games and bitching around/throwing shit, yeah, good that I'm younger. Should be sad to take this tourney seriously yet being raped and the only excuse you could throw was ":(( lag shots fucking Latins lol", I bet you all have played this game for a looong while already so if you have no clue of how to fight someone with high ping then you should start thinking about leaving this shithole. Maybe next year, folks! Ryder please, stop playing this game and instead get some anger management classes, being so pissed of about a game is not healthy my man! WC: About the Organization, I can't really say much but I noticed that TfF members weren't in the server on most of the matches which is totally an error in my opinion. There wasn't any improvement from the last WC, but hey it was fun at least. I had a good time playing it and chilling, unlike others who tried to win and failed miserably!
  7. It won't decrease anything kid, Europeans would have same chances as us of getting lagshots or eats. Keep crying mate bbBBbbb
  8. Nickname: Papi Adidas Skype: nachomuzzu Serial: 77017ABE37932EE70F91CFCBE860E324
  9. He was trash-talking about my clan when he wasn't even supposed to be on the server. But well, I don't care about him I just told Ryder that this guy doesn't deserve any kind of apology hhh. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai
  10. Ryder, you don't have to apologise to this kid cz3rka, he insulted you and xN the whole match. We don't know who the fuck he is yet he insulted us, lmao what a fucking asshole (:
  11. I came here just to congratulate you for the win, we weren't really prepared to face a clan like yours and we were missing some players, but just let's don't search for excuses, you guys played pretty good and seem like you guys trained hard for this, once again congratulations. About Blow's incident; I don't really know what happened because I do saw a shot coming from Darking and I couldn't really tell what happened exactly, so I relied on my teammate's eyes, that's why I wasn't talking at all. But if you guys were actually right and it was a "delay issue" I want to apologise for it in xN's behalf, I guess it doesn't even matter since you won that map anyways but I just wanted to point it out. GG, WP. Expecting for rematch somewhen this year ;3. deserved win! Hope you feel good about killing our 9-match streak :,c
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