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  1. Nothing else to add
    7 points
  2. Prox

    Prox's Join Request

    1. Tell us about yourself(Personality, Where you're from?, How old are you?): My name is Mohammed, and I am from Saudi Arabia, I am 23 years old. I work as electrical maintainer at an oil company, I am a reasonable and a calm person and I like gaming and programming, science, anime, series etc. 2. Tell us about your MTA history briefly: I was playing MTA since 2011, around that time I was playing some RP servers and DM too. I played at CIT, Neon, FFS GAMING, and more servers. 3. Tell us about your previous clans and reason for departure. L7 for being unactive 4. Why do you want to join "The Favoured Few"? I want to be a developer. 5. How can you be useful for "The Favoured Few"? Well I am an expert programmer capable of programming for mta and also web applications, desktop applictions, discord bots with lua, php, javascript. exmaples: I made a small basic garage still not fully completed made in html.a website full made from scratch was an old project with a small view to the desktop app https://youtu.be/YGYMz3BuklM?si=fteg3Q7ZTBZCtPty some minigames scripts i made: fall guys https://youtu.be/_bmWs0q_PDA?si=EC1eUe-A49s2WYDj flying bomb or something https://youtu.be/48gT2YuVgUg color dashing https://youtu.be/5C9EEox0oHU lava mode https://youtu.be/BSfmYyJ70uU?si=cuOtKdrkNyPt1cmW I made a website project few years ago you can see a view the the website and the desktop app https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UykJ4wLehBM Steam integration using php web scraping of IGN news: discord bot serching a dm map. 6. Why should we choose You over other applicants? I like to be part of the community and power the scripting of the server, website etc. 7. Something to add.(Discord, Optional) discord: proxy99
    5 points
  3. Akame2

    eCco's Join Request

    1. My in-game nick is eCco. I'm pretty active human as is possible and I try in my 24 years old. My country is Ukraine. ____ 2. I played a lot of gamemodes in MTA, had experience on many projects in my game career. I just love and enjoy this game like you. ___ 3. Phenomenal Ones Small Hustlers Crew Also I'm ex-member of xRz(OS), Team Evolution(OS), nabTeam(OS) ___ 4. Why i want join to TfF? This is my main project for spent time in MTA. ___ 5. I do my best what I can for improve project and team, and you:) *Server/Community managment, Mapping, Youtube, Organizating Events, CW's etc. ___ 6. I'm trying be useful for community and this game, for make this project smth large then just server) ___ 7. If you wanna some more info about me pm me in discord: ltilti, also you welcome type here - ready for discuss Have a good day, human.
    4 points
  4. Team Name: The Twins Team Tag & Color: /tt\ - #ff0000 Captain Discord: BoXeZ#6305 Team Players & MTA Serial: BoXeZ - 383456EE5C82B169BC57A5B5994C3024 JeMMy^ - DE53707A3CE45AA9F012E63F079D514F
    4 points
  5. Team name: Optimal Aces! Team tag & color: Ace! #123456 Caption discord: Eleven#3478 Team players: Eleven - Astral -
    3 points
  6. You just showed everyone why you got muted and made it easier for me, thanks!
    3 points
  7. Gyu

    Prox's Join Request

    He is the future tff discord bot.
    2 points
  8. SHOOTER DUO CHAMPIONSHIP Registration Thread Registration rules: Everyone is allowed to participate. Before the tournament starts, we will be requesting the serial of every team's member. A single player can't register for more than one team. Teams must have 2 main players. this is a tournament without reserves. Every team member must have an account on /TfF\ server. No player changes will be allowed after the tournament starts. Bare in mind that teams will not have any reserve throughout the tournament, so be cautious with who you will pick to be your duo. To register your team follow this format: Team Name: Team Tag & Color: Captain Discord: Team Players & MTA Serial: Deadline: The registration deadline is 01.08.2024 Here is an example on how to register your team: Team Name: The Favoured Few Team Tag & Color: /TfF\ - FF9999 Captain Discord: Pedrinyk Team Players & MTA Serial: /TfF\Pedrin - 51348930786C128CFD20AFC0711934A1 /TfF\Energy - 123456789ABCD098754321ABCDTEST12
    2 points
  9. Team Name: X-Valiants Team Tag & Color: X & #ccccff Captain Discord: jamor. Team Players & MTA Serial: BOSS - Jamor -
    2 points
  10. Some players have completely changed their attitude since they became admins or TFF members. Unfortunately, they've changed for the worse. I remember how well-behaved Gorex used to be, speaking nicely in chat. As soon as he got admin, he got carried away and started doing whatever he wanted, claiming it was his "contribution to TFF." Other examples include TFFDreamer and NeonoX (fortunately, NeonoX is no longer an admin because he used to mute people for no reason). TFFDreamer has become very arrogant and different from when he wasn't an admin (he used to be a very nice guy who talked politely with everyone). Now, he mutes people for speaking in other languages or for talking nonsense (which is normal on MTA sometimes). The chat is for everyone as long as you don't abuse it and spam like an idiot. Someone bought a map on MTA, and Gorex set a different map and didn't set back the purchased map. I've seen this happen twice already. I "warned" him in a way, but I told him nicely, not insulting him like many others do. When he asked me "tell me which map was bought," I didn't reply because he could have seen it himself if he had used "page up" in the chat and could have set the respective map. I also don't like the attitude of some TFF members, but that's how it is, we have to endure it. It would be nice if this server were perfect. There always has to be someone who is stricter or who makes mistakes, whether they are unforgivable or not. With this message, I don't want to directly report the admins in question; I just want them to see that they've made mistakes and at least change their attitude a bit. I remember that when they weren't admins, they were really nice and understanding with a totally different attitude(good one ofc). Personally, I don't think you deserved to be muted. I wouldn't have muted you for something like that. It depends on the admin's mood at that particular moment.
    2 points
  11. Team Name: Cyborgs! Team Tag & Color: 'o, #261039 Captain Discord: .helter Team Players & MTA Serial: Helter RoBy
    2 points
  12. Hey everyone! TheFavouredFew Events Team is back with another Shooter Tournament! Due to the success we had with our previous tournament, we are bound to bring another shooter tournament to life. This time we are looking forward to provide you a much better experience. After learning with the mistakes we commited on our last tournament, we have enough experience to provide you a way better event this time. Welcome to the First edition of Shooter Duo Championship! Tournament Information: Shooter Duo Championship is a 2v2 based tournament with no possibility of reserves. Tournament Format will be revealed after registrations are closed. The chosen gamemode for this specific edition is Low Jump. All matches are going to be played as a Best of 3 series. You can only register 2 players to your team, there won't be reserves, only the 2 main players! So pick carefully who you will choose to be your pair throughout the tournament. In-case the final score of a game results in a 10-10 tie, we will play 4 Tiebreaker rounds. in-case there is another tie at 12-12, we will keep playing until one team wins 3 out of the 4 tiebreaker maps. The Prize Pool! $25 to the first place 1 Month donator status $400.000 per player in-game. $15 to the second place 20 days donator status $250.000 per player in-game. $10 to the third place 15 days donator status $150.000 per player in-game. Final words And for those who were hoping for a 3vs3 or 4vs4 tournament, don't worry. we have plans of hosting another 3vs3/4vs4 tournament right after this one ends. This tournament is a way to show you that we are still working to keep our community active and competitive. Registration Feel free to join us in the battlefield and register your team on the following thread!
    2 points
  13. Nao

    PDD Events Maplist

    PDD MAPLIST: (24/07/2024) Number of maps: 50 BriaN - NEIN Towers BriaN - Never Lucky chris1384 - Neon Circuit chris1384 - Ruthless DD chris1384 ft. kautinkazu ft. Gregorian_Bivolaru - VOCEA BAGABONTILOR CIFFON - Los Pepes 1 CIFFON - Los Pepes 2 CIFFON ft. iMeMPlayZ - Mushrooms told us so CIFFON ft. Maradox - Spotlight cleanmetal ft. Mag ft. Shijian - Destructions Conqueror - Breaking Bad Creed - Babafingo Creed ft. Conqueror - Random CC JUMBO THE REGULATOR REMAINS READY Junky - Tower in the Night 1 Junky ft. ZUNII - HELL KarNikkl - Just Cant Smash Martin ft. Holzhocker - Random Luck Nebla - Oil Rigs NikotiN - Wave of Change NikotiN ft. GameX - Random Fuck! NikotiN ft. ZUNII ft. Torque ft. Bagio - Banned From Heaven 1 NO1SE! ft. threeV - Quarantine RacerX ft . Kun - Rocket Launcher Ron1 ft. FlinT ft. Beny - Mother Russian Luck Salih - Falling Rocks SemiSun ft. Cookie - TETRIS! SemiSun ft. NAiiF ft. Rakuzan ft. KarNikkl - Bikini Bottom! stan - Burning Trials 1 stan - Industrial Rush threeV - Gimme The Loot Torque - Follow me to Hell Torque - Loca Torque ft. ZUNII - Banned From Heaven 2 UppeR ft. Rexon - Tilted Towers XpR - Dildosis XpR - Necrosis XpR - No JuJu XpR -| Dragon Ball |- YuRi - BEYBLADOPHRENIA 1 YuRi ft. Junky - BEYBLADOPHRENIA 2 YuRi ft. SchwaN - Your Darkness ZUNII - DREI Towers ZUNII - Speedy Towers ZUNII ft. Torque ft. Junky - RE/ NEO TOKYO _Gyu_ - Beheaded Kamikaze _Gyu_ - Bober Kurwa _Gyu_ - Derby Arena 1 _Gyu_ - Derby Arena 2 _Gyu_ - Not Towers
    2 points
  14. Drim4k

    Reporting UkF for insulting

    Over the past few years, I have noticed that these two players have had a competitive rivalry in Hunter mode. However, I have never seen either of them win an MVP in official CW DM. Instead of arguing and insulting each other, it would be better for them to focus on work or study @vinnyy @Cykz @Dubbie
    1 point
  15. CAT

    Prox's Join Request

    You have my vote already
    1 point
  16. Dubbie

    eCco's Join Request

    as u see, this monkey has none
    1 point
  17. Drim4k

    eCco's Join Request

    ¿ XD ? Have dignity my bruh, you were banned from the server, and now you want to join the clan
    1 point
  18. Dubbie

    eCco's Join Request

    soon next clan report when declined or closed
    1 point
  19. #Montana#

    Montana - Navras

    Hi everyone. I present you my new OS - WFF map called "Navras" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV2MQSjuJJs Special thanks to Relax and Slimy for this beautiful video. Also thanks to Moamen for helping me about scripts, codes vs. I hope you like İt.
    1 point
  20. Team Name: Skilled Killers! Team Tag & Color: sK! & 36F871 Captain Discord: ofc.yasouu Team Players & MTA Serial: *YaSsuo#! - ReapeR -
    1 point
  21. Team Name: Elmksa7een Team Tag & Color: 7e/ Captain Discord: ptsmor0 Team Players & MTA Serial: Mor0 - A61A216E48BC7C64A90280E4921E53F3 Boudi - To be added
    1 point
  22. 1. Your Nickname: TEFAKHEDXZ 2. Admin / Player Nickname: GOREXTV 3. Reason: MUTING PEOPLE FOR NO REASON 4. Screenshot: 5. Something to add: ( Optional ) CONTEXT: I put RORORO in global (before i wrote spanish things in global and gorex warned me, thats why he last warning), gorex though it was some spanish thing and muted alee for that reason ig, then i told him that it doesnt mean anything in spanish, its just a "bar" interaction (we used it in official cws or etc, just to motivate the team and things) then he threatens me ??? THE FUUCK??? i guess my man just wanted to be respected on one way or another, please dont abuse your role broder thats just disgusting, try to be great admin like my turkey broder @badtrip DISGUSTING TFF GAMING EXPERIENCE.
    1 point
  23. ZJK

    Reporting KIRAF1

    Well, I actually didn't even read the chat at that moment (Because I am busy playing like 99% of people) As Kira said, he didn't mean it in the real way, he was wishing you to die (fail) in-game, but it wasn't the best way to say it, so he is warned now and if he does it again he will be muted. PS: If your only reason to be playing here is to catch someone for the slighthest thing he does/say, maybe it's time to touch some grass and quit video-games for a moment, mental health is important!
    1 point
  24. Team Name: Pedrin & LuuKas Team Tag & Color: P&L. Captain Discord: Pedrinyk Team Players & MTA Serial: Pedrin - 51348930786C128CFD20AFC0711934A1 LuuKas - To be added
    1 point
  25. ZUNII

    ZUNII's Join Request

    1. Tell us about yourself (Personality, Where you're from?, How old are you?). Greetings! My name is Maik, and I am a 22-year-old from Neuwied, Germany. My gaming passions include World of Warcraft, Multi Theft Auto, and Elden Ring, especially with the upcoming DLC. I am also trying to get into Tekken 8. I am known for my spontaneous nature and laid-back personality, which I believe contribute positively to any gaming community. 2. Tell us about your MTA history briefly. My journey with MTA began in 2011 when I received my first PC and a cracked version of GTA from my brother. In 2012, I discovered MTA and started exploring various servers. My first experience was on the TG server, where I initially misunderstood DM as Deathmatch similar to CoD. After several attempts and much practice on local servers, I found my rhythm on servers like FFS, XpR, and AEG. My most significant progress occurred on DDC Blue, where I truly honed my skills before the server's merger. Nowadays, I play MTA more casually but still enjoy it immensely. 3. Tell us about your previous clans and reason for departure. Xr: I left because the clan became inactive. DoA: I departed after taking a break from MTA. MvP: The clan unfortunately closed. 4. Why do you want to join "The Favoured Few"? I am generally interested in hosting events like the upcoming "PDD Tour" and enjoy fun modes like PDD and Race. I also hosted internal events in my last clan, MvP. Unfortunately, I couldn't organize a tournament we had planned due to the clan's closure. 5. How can you be useful for "The Favoured Few"? I bring a wealth of experience in administration and moderation, along with event hosting. During my time at DDC, I served as an admin and arena leader, organizing WFF-like events. I am eager to apply these skills to benefit "The Favoured Few." 6. Why should we choose you over other applicants? My prior experience in administration, moderation, and event hosting, combined with my positive attitude, makes me a strong candidate. I am dedicated to fostering an enjoyable and engaging community atmosphere. 7. Something to add. (Discord, Optional) Discord: maiksxs I believe that gaming should be fun and stress-free, and I always prioritize real-life responsibilities. Let's keep the game light-hearted and enjoyable for everyone. Looking forward to potentially joining the "The Favoured Few" family! Best regards, Maik
    1 point
  26. Hello! Since PowerDD was released we had a big impact of people that shows interest of playing it, we want to say thank you for playing it. Today’s topic is more about the powers we have, we have 29! of power-ups that can be used against your opponent. I‘ll explain you today how to use it and how useful they are. Credits to @CAT for recording all Power-ups! Barrel Gives you a barrel that spawns behind you.. Ghost o This item allows you to drive through your opponents for a short time. No-Brake With this item your opponents pedal will be broken, which will cause them to drive with no brake. Spikes Makes your opponents tires explode if they drove on it. Gravity Allows your opponent to lose gravity once being hit. Ignite Makes your opponent's car lose health slowly once hit. Freeze You are able to Freeze your vehilce. Heal Gives you 100% heal. Mass Gives your car more strength. Flip By hitting someone, you can flip a car to 90 degrees. Flashbang Makes your opponent's screen completely white. Jump You are able to Jump once. Magnet Your opponent will stick to your right side like a magnet once you touch them. Laser Damages your opponent's car when the lazer hits it. Invisible You become invisible. Oil Gets placed behind your car and whoever drives on it spins. Power Discovery You are able to see all powers from your teammates or opponents. Ramp Gets placed behinde your car which blocks your opponent's movement. Reverse Control If you touch the opponent, his controls will be reverse. A=D D=A Reverse If you touch the opponent, his vehicle will be turned over. Rocket Gives you 1 rocket, you can instant kill your opponent. Shield Blocks all power ups, and damage from your opponent when you activate. Speed Up Gives your vehilche a little boost while driving. Time Warp By touching an opponent, gives him for few seconds 2x speed. Vehilce Change Gives you a random vehilche. Smoke Gives a smoke and blocks your view for a short of time. Car Ramp Spawns in front of you a ramp for a short amount of time where you're able to push your opponent. Energy Blast Allows the players in near by range to fly few meters away. Snail Your opponent will drive slowly.
    1 point
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