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flyp's join request


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1. Little Introduction
Hey guys, I guess that most of you know me well enough but though Im going to introduce myself a bit for those who don't.

My name is Marvin, I'm 19 years old and I'm visiting a vocational school and I will finish my A-levels there this year. Afterwards I'm planning to study economics at a university of the german army. In my spare time I like to play football, and in general I'm much into fitness these days and I love to spend my time at workouts. Moreover I'm a really determined person, so if I want to achieve something I'll always give it a try.

2. Your MTA history.

Well, I started playing MTA about 4 years ago already. A friend recommended me to play it and so I've begun to play at several roleplay servers. Nontheless the roleplay servers became boring one day so I started to search for some new gamemodes. Consequently I came to a server called chaos.de.to where I came in touch with the gamemode DM the first time, in the beginning it was quite hard to play it and it took me a few months to finish my first map, although maps were not that hard back then. After some time, when I got a bit better and I got to know some other people I discovered a server called Undercover Gamers, where I've spent a few months as well. After this server I began playing at the server of the clan Alien Racers, which brought me to VIP afterwards. At VIP I played a lot and I really enjoyed playing there to be honest. Whilst playing there I got to know Lordek and he took me into ftw, made some really nice experiences there and my knowledge of this game slowly began to grow. When VIP died I was searching for another server to play on and found TfF, I played there a lot, about 1600 hours I guess, most of my time in MTA I have spent on the server of TfF and it was very funny to be honestly, also spent 1 year in the clan when I got accepted, concluding it was just a perfect time with perfect people. Meanwhile I've been in many different clans, a main part of them was ftw, which also merged with EfE back then when Lordek and me tried to pull it up, Laeron, another leader paid a scripter 100€ for creating us a multigamemode, but he scammed and betrayed us in the end (PS: fuck you Weekend, I'll rape yomomma). Anyway, due to this I came to EfE, a good clan with a good community and good leaders, I really enjoyed my time here, but I assume after some time I've always been to dumb to recognize it, since I always felt bad after leaving it and other clans did not really satisfy me that way EfE did. And so I'm here again, failing with ftw once again due to a lack of time and due to lack of support, trying to join EfE once again, because it just feels right. This experience of trying to lead my own clan just let me see how hard it is to do so, and moreover that I'm not really made for that.

3. Have you been in any clans?

To be honest, I've been in many clans, I try to list all of them:

Undercover Gamers (UG), Alien Racers (aR), For The Win (ftw), Red Bull (RB), The Favoured Few (TfF), Elite Master Players (Emp), Down with the Sickness (Dws), Eye for an Eye (EfE), 

4. Why do you want to join our clan?

Well, as I already mentioned above, I feel comfortable being in this clan, and although I left two times, I always feel attracted by this community where many friends of me are being a part of it. Additionally EfE has a quite good clanwar squad, where I'd like to honor Gematria for what he made out of the team, I guess the organization improved a lot since I'm gone as a cw manager. I guess this guy's a good choice for your clan. Last but not least it's just about having a good time in MTA and to be honest I never found a place there, not even TfF, where I felt that good and welcome, I know in the end I hade my differences with some of you, but there's nothing which could not be solved I suppose.

5. What can you offer to our community?

Well there's not that much that I can offer, but I can definitely help out playing cws and also some organizational stuff for whatever is needed to do. Also my English is not the worst so there's also the possibility to contribute to a good clan-internal communication when it comes to trouble between two parties.

Thanks for reading and have a nice weekend!

Yours regardful,



PS: Since I originally posted this JR to EfE, I will just put the same one as I did at the old forum, because my intentions and views stay the same, no matter if EfE or TfF, I applied for the Eye for an Eye squad which I unfortunately missed the time during my absence.

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