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Everything posted by Condom

  1. nais jr, keep it up.
  2. Quiet short JR, but contains some facts about you. So may be you'll improve it a bit more? And also, be more active! Cause I bearly see you on our server. However you are one of my old mates from xG! Good luck.
  3. In my opinion you really need to improve your English skills, and also be more active! Good luck anyway.
  4. Condom

    Qualiti´s JR

    I've never seen you on our server to be honest. Can you play a bit more and be active on forum? Cuz that'll be helpful, and it'll be easier for members to make up their minds about you. Good luck!
  5. Condom

    ceaN's JR

    In my opinion this JR doesn't really tell a lot of things about ya. Quiet short as well. Try to improve it if you cam, as I've got nothing against ya, but I can't really support you cause i don't know shit about you.
  6. You've made about 5-7 JRs to several clans. And you've been rejected in every single one. May be you will get lucky here. Good luck.
  7. Awh vaasy, well done for making a JR! Ged Leck!
  8. Not a bad JR, but needs a bit more work on your mta Experience.
  9. Oh pixy, you've been trying so many times to join in! I wish you all the best of luck! And do not give up!
  10. Good luck my old team mate!
  11. Oh man, I wish you so much of good luck you can't even imagine!
  12. Thank you everyone. Also big thank you to FiNN for coming back and sorting everything out!
  13. Condom

    Ted's Applycation

    In my opinion you need to work more on your JR and write much more things about your history and all that. But what you've done here is not enough in my opinion. And the problem is a lack of English But Good luck anyway!
  14. You've been zeisted mate. Good luck my son!
  15. Wait, what's this mate? http://dg-mta.com/forum/index.php?/topic/233-controls-join-request/
  16. Condom

    Dayrak's Join Request

    My baby, good luck! You are an amazing guy!
  17. Oh Jetest, still remember me
  18. Not a bad Join Request. But in my opinion you didn't put eny effort into making it unique. And you just basically copied the idea of JR from VonDutchy. Good luck anyway.
  19. Thank you all guys! I appreciate it c:
  20. Good Luck, epta:) Nice JR, keep on trying and don't give up!
  21. Good luck pixel! Nevah give up
  22. Well done to new trials! You all deserved it! Really sad that FiNN left. But at least he did his best in his MTA career! And also gratz to FLiP and Breaker!
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