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Everything posted by Dubbie

  1. He got banned for 7 days again, but please stop spaming me when u have a case.
  2. Hey @irrw5, he has been banned for 5 days (not only for that but also for elo boosting), this was his first punishment so we wont be as harsh, if he continues to abuse in any way, we will punish him harder. I hope this leaves you satisfied. Topic is closed.
  3. Do a proper report and try again
  4. Dubbie

    2nd try for TFF

    juckt niemanden du arschschnüffler
  5. do a proper one and try again
  6. you want to defend our racist playerbase now too?
  7. follow the format and try again
  8. Cool map, i still remember some of your earlier maps, keep it up
  9. Dubbie

    kevson jr

    fellow sor member, accepted put tag
  10. Dubbie

    The Unban Request.

    Follow the format and try again
  11. pls dont tell me this retard posted his phone number
  12. Try again in English @vinicius Closed.
  13. Dear Lattenrost, It is with the utmost sincerity that I pen these lines, seeking to encapsulate the depth of my gratitude for your unwavering support and generosity. Your benevolent actions have not only kindled a profound sense of appreciation within me but have also served as an enduring source of inspiration, igniting the flame of determination within my soul. In this transient tapestry of life, where time often seems to slip through our fingers like elusive grains of sand, your selfless contributions have served as an anchor, grounding me in the fortitude of human kindness. Your invaluable guidance and unfaltering belief in my endeavors have illuminated my path with a luminosity that transcends the ordinary, infusing each step with a renewed sense of purpose and possibility. It is through your unparalleled benevolence and unwavering commitment to excellence that I have been blessed with the privilege of expanding my horizons, nurturing the seeds of ambition into the blossoms of achievement. The profundity of your support has not only enriched my personal journey but has also instilled in me an unwavering dedication to pay forward the blessings bestowed upon me, perpetuating the cycle of goodwill and compassion that you have so gracefully initiated. In this universe where the symphony of gratitude often remains unuttered, let my words serve as an indelible melody of appreciation, resonating through the tapestry of our connection, perpetuating the harmonious bond that binds us in shared purpose and mutual respect. May the echoes of my gratitude reverberate in the chambers of your heart, reminding you of the profound impact your actions have had on my life's canvas. With heartfelt appreciation and an unyielding commitment to honor your legacy of kindness, I remain forever indebted to your magnanimity and grace. With profound thanks and warm regards, Dubbie
  14. you couldve mention me by name but its alright like this i guess :]
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