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Everything posted by vinnyy

  1. liar, i see u playing at least 3 hours per day... nolifer
  2. 1. Your Nickname: xprvinny 2. Admin / Player Nickname: - 3. Reason: i talked with Nao 3 days ago and until then he didnt answer me ;/ , the same thing with skreepy, i have a problem with my donator, i wanted to transfer the donator from my other account, to my main one (i didnt know i had 2 accounts ) 4. Screenshot: - 5. Something to add: ( Optional )
  3. uuuf good slave my italian
  4. aloo admin he is stealing my idea
  5. wtf bro reporting about discord's things ? XDDD
  6. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  7. still waiting for 3 months donator and 1M WC prize
  9. boa sorte português gostoso lindo
  10. simmmmmmmmm Guilherme
  11. lol a report and this time its not about me hi im @Dubbie
  12. i try, but there's always some idiot who has a childlike attitude and uses my gf name in his nick. i cant say if its a mental problem, if its cuz hes a virgin and has never seen a woman in his life, or cuz life is sad and he has to act like that. its hard to understand this person's mentality XD but people like that will always deserve the worst in their lives, so i hope
  13. bro they fight/insult and share everyone's personal info do you think that will change? if years ago they were like this, and it hasn't changed until today, this type of person is trash and will never deserve respect from anyone, sad that cuz of 3 idiots, all arabs are treated like toxic
  14. omg this again? this has already been reported zzzzzz are you wanting attention?
  15. if some arabs were banned from tff, everything would be better, there were no toxicity and other problems XD but idk why still playing
  16. are you talking about yourself and your friends? xDDDD cuz y'all do this 24/7
  17. this was a week ago and has already been resolved my bro, so why are you bringing this topic up again?
  18. wow, im very worried this is really something very relevant in my life. As i said, a report has already been made about my situation and kitsune, and the report has already been closed, so i dont understand why another report with the same subject. and idk why you're here, i know dogs are your friends but was your nickname ever mentioned?
  19. need i say anything more about you and ur friends?
  20. XDD cuz you are always banned from everything, and the reason is always the same, insulting people and sharing personal information, along with your friends, trash like you so why are you repeating a report that has already been closed by ur dog kitsune ??
  21. not even you respect your own religion wtf? and about that already resolved, i decided not to talk to retards and just ignore them, but your friends retard named mitsuki was having childish attitude xd
  22. XD ye sure bro stop being an idiot for a bit please, now i understand why you are banned from eP (elite players) too, insulting people and sharing personal information. You're trash of a person, and i think we agree on that right? stop lying in your report, tell the truth xD
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