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Everything posted by Wiplive

  1. Well, I spent very long time creating this masterpiece, hopefully you'll appreciate it. Gracias!
  2. Such englishes very amaze imdoge666
  3. People should stop using non-sense words on a map, like what does Sense At All even mean?
  4. feedme wannabe tff rofl
  5. "professional", good luck anyways.
  6. You've been in |EP| for 2 days until I kicked you xD Anyways, good luck
  7. [16:16:36] Matt ~ Wiplive: (TEAM) ICP|P3x#<~: my gf has texted me "if we do it only with condoms" :DDOO [16:16:54] Rew3X#<~: I guess she doesn't want to have little piggies ;o Posts Merged! Don't write duplicate posts (spam). (TEAM) FeeDmE//: sky (TEAM) Sky#ine: ? (TEAM) FeeDmE//: want to suck my dickey? (TEAM) Sky#ine: if i find it
  8. Finally, somebody who doesn't get a picture from internet and only adds a text and pretends he's "good" at photoshop. Really nice work, should be implemented into the new update TFF 2.0 or whatever the multi-room update will be called.
  9. Leave MTA, nobody likes your copy-maps. You just opened DS v9 and MAYBE moved few objects... or you didn't at all.
  10. (TEAM) LordeK!: I milk myself
  11. ~DubleX.: i should shut up fuckin latvian ICP|Wiplive: calm your tits ~DubleX.: calm your virgin ~DubleX.: yes ~DubleX.: your mom has Dublex clearly doesn't know that virgin isn't that thing... Big fail bro
  12. Didn't you make the 2nd one week ago?
  13. I don't understand why people play on such low res and make videos with low res?
  14. Kill yourself, please D:
  15. I told that you nolife, you did 15% of 5 minute map in 30 minutes! Nice btw.
  16. I want to be a part of this contest and I promise I will follow the rules
  17. Congratulations, looking forward to my won bet of 500,000$ (The person knows about it)
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